Lost Thorn

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"Does it still hurt?"

"Yes, I don't know how though," Josie said with a slightly concerned voice. "The bruise is still there as well, for all I know it's worsened."
Hope frowned.
"Did you trip onto anything specific?"
Josie thought for a moment. "...yeah, I might have fallen onto some sort of thorn."
"Hmm, I don't know if it's possible, but it could've been poisoned," Hope thought out loud.
Josie just stared in horror at Hope.
"But don't worry, we'll figure it out like we always do," Hope said with a wink.

Before Hope could leave the school's small infirmary to check the woods for the thorn, Josie closed the door in front of her face.
Hope turned to her girlfriend with a smirk on her face.
"We haven't talked about your almost relapse."
The smirk practically fell off of Hope's face as she exhaled, "oh."
"Have the urges expanded since then?"
"Yeah, but I've been keeping myself busy so I wouldn't have to think about it."
"Alight, but don't push yourself too hard okay," Josie said as she pulled herself up to kiss Hope's forehead, which Hope replaced with one on the lips.
"I'll be back before you know it love."
Josie smiled as she watched Hope walk through the door.

Lizzie slammed the door behind her once she entered her father's office, who's heart almost jumped out of its cast.
"So... Mg told me about the festival." Lizzie looked blankly at Alaric. "Why didn't you tell anyone you where in dept, we could have helped!"
"Sweetheart, I just didn't want to burden you and your sister. Besides, it's already been taken care of."
Lizzie sighed. "Whatever." — and walked out the door before her father could answer.

"I waited an hour for you and that's your excuse?" Kaleb asked Jed with a non believing look on his face.
"It's not an excuse, I- I just don't like the
arcade okay."
"So instead of telling me the truth, you decided to leave me hanging."
"Babe, I'm sorry."
Kaleb scoffed and left Jed's bedroom.

As Hope had put on a coat and walked through the hallways, she met Lizzie and Kaleb on the way.
They both did not look happy.
"What's gone over you two?" Hope chuckled.
"Nothing." They both said in union, and looked at each other for a second.
"Al—right. See you around," Hope awkwardly smiled and walked out into the cold, snow falling from the sky, which the part that covered the ground was now above ankle length — that would make it harder for Hope to find the thorn.

Once Hope's hands where blue from the cold as she still hadn't found the thorn, she decided to go back inside — disappointed in herself.
Since she hadn't found the thorn she decided to search through the library's books to see if any of them contained information about a specific thorn.
She could have asked one of the vampires to speed through the pages, but wanted to do it herself.

Jed sighed with his head buried in his hands.
The only reason he didn't like the arcade was because it reminded him of his dad, who died a few years ago. He wasn't in a state of grieve anymore, but being in that place simply stung.
Though Jed wasn't sure wether to tell Kaleb or not since he didn't want to draw some kind of attention to himself whilst Kaleb could've been going through something much more serious.

There had to be something going on with Jed, Kaleb thought, though he figured if there was he'd tell him.
Lizzie turned to him since they where still standing in the hallway and said, "So.. what's happened to you? Trouble in paradise?"
Kaleb chuckled slightly. "I guess you could say that."

Mg's game time was cut short by Hope who needed his help with finding some kind of thorn.
Lizzie never allowed him to play video games when they where hanging out, so Mg definitely considered himself an amazing friend since he gave something up to help out Hope.

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