Everyone Has Their Thing

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~Lizzie's confession~

As much as I hate Penelope, she deserves to know the truth.
Ella Cromwell was a witch only an inch away from evil, who somehow only actually cared for me.
A few years ago when we were still friends, Ella confessed her feelings for me, even with knowing how I felt about Mg — the time we weren't yet dating.
But even if I did tell Penelope, Ella only got back together with her to "make me jealous", I had no evidence.
I knocked on Josie's door which Hope opens.
"Hey Lizzie, how've you been?"
"I've been alright, is Josie with you?" I ask trying to keep the tremble out of my voice.
"She just hopped in the shower, but you can wait for her in here if you want?"
"Yeah sure," I reply hesitantly.

Sitting down on Hope's bed which used to be mine before I moved into Mg's room and
Hope into Josie's —  I fidgeted nervously with the back of my phone case's fur.
"Is everything okay? I know we haven't hung out in a while, but I'm still your best friend aren't I," Hope says breaking the silence, placing her hand on mine to stop it from pulling at my phone case.

"Is there anything you wanna get off your chest?" Hope asks softly. Even with her good intentions, I hate it when people pity me.
"It'd be better if I told Josie first."
Hope nods and knocks on the bathroom door, telling Josie I need to speak with her.

A few minutes later, Josie gets out of the bathroom, dressed.
"I'll give you two a minute." Hope gets up with a wink pointed at Josie and leaves the room.
Josie turns to me with a raised eyebrow, looking at me questioningly.
"Are you going to tell me what's up?"
I inhaled slowly, my breath shaking before being able to speak.
"Do you remember Ella and I being friends?"
"Well... she had this huge crush on me and that's why she broke up with Penelope in the first place, but now she got back together with her, I'm afraid she's just doing it to get back at me for not liking her back, and as much as I hate Penelope... she doesn't deserve this."

Josie was silent for a moment, perhaps considering her answer.
"Please tell me what to do," I plead.
Josie chuckles slightly and says, "Firstly, I am really proud you are willing to go out of your way to save Penelope from another heartbreak, and secondly I might know something to help you show Penelope who Ella Cromwell really is."

I flattened my hair and went up to Ella once Penelope finally wasn't in sight.
I turn on the small microphone and cast a spell so it is invisible.
"Heyy Ella," I start, trying to sound most genuine as possible. "Do you mind hearing me out for a second?"
Ella smiles brightly as she puts her book down onto the desk, longing for me to tell whatever I'm about to tell her.

The plan is simple.
I trick Ella into believing I have feelings for her as well and record her response, hoping she'll mention her intentions with Penelope, then I'll have the evidence I need.

Penelope listened in horror at the recordings.
"And you couldn't have told me that sooner?"
"I probably should have right."
"Yeah, because if you had, I wouldn't have had to get back with Penelope."
The recording stopped when after Ella had
asked me out.
"I can't believe how stupid I am," Penelope says angrily, running her hands roughly through her hair.
"Don't say that, you couldn't have prevented this," Josie says quickly, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Josie's right, this isn't your fault. It's Ella's fault.

~Hope's relapse~

[The next day]

All students are gathered in the woods, ready and eager to play our yearly Hide And Seek.
Though played a little different than you'd might think. Since there are many students, few groups are to do different tasks in the game.
One group seeks, one group hides and one group makes supernatural obstacles — only allowed to do it themselves.

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