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Hope found herself thinking about Josie nonstop since that day. She'd see her the minute she weren't distracted. Just that sad look on her face when Lizzy threatened what would happen if Hope got near them ever again.
Hope was officially alone now.
Any student to pass her wouldn't make eye contact, Hope assumed Lizzy had something to do with it.
There was a lump in her stomach which only seemed to grow bigger. Why couldn't she just feel normal for once? If she would've just kept it together in the first place, Josie wouldn't have dropped by and she never
would've hurt her.

Maybe just...Let go?
Let me be in control,
And that lump in your stomach will go away
Do what you where born to do.
You are the most powerful creature to ever set foot on this earth.
Why waste such powerful potential?

But Hope didn't want to let go.
She knew what the voice meant.
She'd have to become a full active Tribrid.
She'd have to die.
"I won't do it," she said to herself.
The bell rang and Hope hurried to class.

"Hope, you're late as usual," Mr.Johnson sighed. "You can take a seat next to Josie."
Hopes heart quickly sped up, she never even noticed Josie was there. Just great.
She sat down in the seat next to Josie, who was taking notes. Hope never took notes unless a test was coming up.
Josie seemed rather interested.
Josie never even acknowledged Hope, never looked away from her books. Hope had already assumed she was ignoring her. Hope would too if the rolls were reversed. Yet she felt sick to her stomach.

Hope couldn't take it anymore.
"So you're really just gonna pretend I'm not here?"
"Is that an apology? Because it could use some practice Hope." Mr.Johnson told Josie to chat in her own time, as Josie returned to her books.
Well this isn't going great is it.
Maybe just stop feeling sorry for her.
But Hope didn't feel sorry for her, she just wanted her to know that she was sorry.
For some reason she couldn't bare Josie or Lizzy being mad at her.
Hope placed a hand on Josie's arm, who immediately stiffened.
"Look, I'm really sorry about what happened, you were only trying to help. I don't know what overtook." Hope swallowed the lump in her throat down. "Lately, I feel like a part of me wants me to do harm. And I don't want that, but... It's hard to fight off. Though I promise you I'll never hurt you again."
Josies eyes met Hopes at the final sentence, Hope suddenly very aware that her hand was still on the witch's arm. She quickly removed her hand, trying to keep the embarrassment from her face.
After a moment Josie smiled, looking at Hope.
"I get it, probably more than anyone. Remember when the black magic ruled me?" Hope nodded. "Just before that, I was terrified. Because I felt the darkness creep in, I felt it coming and didn't stop it in time. But you still can...and I'm gonna help you."
A tear rolled down Hope's cheek, she didn't understand how someone could still care after what she'd done. Most people wouldn't have.
"Step by step."

Quick A/N: in this story, Josie did get empowered by Dark Josie, but no one every pulled her out from the inside. They had to run a couple of spells, and Josie returned back as her own.

Despite of the promise Josie had made Lizzy, she couldn't just give up on someone like that.
Hope needed someone, and she would be that someone for her.
She needs you more than you think.
Once the final bell had rang, Josie texted Hope to come meet her at Josie's room.
Josie had given Hope her number after the class they shared two hours ago.
Nervousness surely had a role as Josie realized what she did. If Lizzy found out she would not be happy with the both of them.
It doesn't matter, Jo
She needs you, so be there for her!

Josie had prepared a spell for her and Hope.
It would bring them in Hopes subconsciousness so maybe they'd find a clue to what lurks for Hope.

Josie opened the door for Hope. Who seemed quite nervous herself.
Josie had lit a few candles around an ancient crystal.
"Sit down," Josie smiled, tapping on the floor beside her. Hope sat on the opposite of her and the crystal, and by the look on her face, she was aware of the spell they where about to do.
She took Josie's hand in hers.
Josie told her to repeat after her as she tried hard not to let her voice tremble.
There had been a moment where their eyes met through the dim light of the candles surrounding them. Josie swore there'd been a spark, but promised herself not to let it distract her.

Their eyes closed as wind picked up its pace around them. They felt the energy rise.
And in the blink of an eye, their minds where send off to Hopes subconsciousness.

Josie's eye sight slowly returned to her, as she looked around to find Hope, who wasn't with her anymore.
"Hope?" Shit! What if something went wrong?
Josie actively looked around, but she could barely see anything.

Hope on the other hand was faced with some of her biggest fears. All kinds of enemies came at her.
It all rushed back to her,
The voice in her head was more active then nothing before,
She remembered The Hollow,
All the people she'd lost.
She sat down, head buried against her knees. Until.
She quickly stoop up.
Hope recognized the figure a few feet away from her, ignoring her fear she ran up to the Sophomore.
She fought off the urge to hug her and gathered her breath.
"Damn, I thought I lost you," Josie said, taking Hopes hand. She didn't know what possessed her to do it.
"Jo, you have to get us out of here, this place is driving me crazy."
"Why what's wrong?"
Hope focused on her mindset, but somehow the visions where gone.
Hope looked at Josie's hand combined with hers, Jose quickly let's go, and suddenly everything rushed back to Hope.
Hope pressed her hands against her head.
"Hope, what's the matter?"
"Let me try something," Hope said, as she held Josie's hand in hers. She ignored the way her heart sped up, simply glad with the voices gone.
"When you let go of my hand, the voices and visions returned."
"What do you mean?" Josie gave the tribrid a confused look.
"Look this place attacks me with everything wrong about my past, but when you held my hand it all went away."
"How is that possible?"

"I don't know."

Thank you for reading this chapter!
From now on I'll be posting two chapters a day. (Hope I'll make that happen)
Bye :)


Word count: 1177

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