Long Night Ahead

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"I'm afraid I've got some unfortunate news."

Alaric had gathered the ones from the hiking 'fiasco' into his office. His search party had used the same tracking device he used earlier that day.
Since it only beeped near the cliff, he hired a professional to climb down it, and what he found shocked everyone to 'their very core'.

He sucked in a breath before announcing, "Finch's body was found at the bottom of a cliff, along with the animal we assumed, attacked her and your instructor." Everyone's eyes widened with shock, right before sadness hid them.
"Her parents wanted to hold a small memorial for her, themselves at their hometown."

"Meaning they didn't want to include us," Lizzie jumped in on the conversation.
Alaric sighed. "We can't blame them for that."
"So you're saying it's our fault then," Lizzie stormed out the room, Josie followed.
Soon everyone had left, leaving Alaric at his desk, reaching for his bottom drawer where the bourbon awaited him.

Josie knocked on Lizzie's door with Mj beside her.
There was no answer so she turned the doorknob, but it was locked.
"We should give her some time," Mj suggested.
"Yeah you're right, just let me know when she comes out, okay?"
Mj nodded.

Lizzie was furious with her father.
He blamed them for losing Finch, whilst they where the ones going through everything!
They where all traumatized, and her dad wouldn't show the tiniest bit of sympathy.
Lizzie turned the handle as she decided to take a warm shower, still shaken up by the cold from earlier. Maybe it wasn't just the cold.

Hope looked around for Josie, before she spotted her in the sitting area, rested on the couch.
"Hey love." Hope laid down next to her girlfriend as she scooted over for her.
"Hey," Josie said, a saddened tone along with it.
"Are you okay?" Hope asked, looking up at Josie from her chest.
"I'm not sure," Josie sighed. " I just feel really guilty about what happened to Finch, t—this paining guilt that tortures me every time I let someone down."
"Jo, you're not in any way responsible for Finch's death, so go a little easy on yourself." Hope stroked Josie's hair in a soothing rhythm.
"Easier said than done."

Josie had to distract herself some way.
That's when she thought back about her first time with Hope. It where the best 45 minutes of her life.
She now felt more connected to Hope than ever before. Once she snapped back to reality she sat up and turned to Hope.
"I have an idea," she started. "Let's host a movie night, anyone who'd like to come would be invited. We'll go old school, get a projector and a huge white banner."
"That's not a bad idea at all. I'm sure everyone can appreciate a night together without being send on a mission or to receive bad news."

They both got up and started getting everything ready. They had already asked Caleb and Jed to inform the other students on their movie night, as Mj got all the snacks ready.
Whilst Hope and Josie set the projector and banner up, then cleared out the whole cafeteria and replaced it with pillows and blankets, creating a cozy space.

After a passed hour, the room started filling up with students claiming their spots.
Josie hurried back to Lizzie's room and knocked on the door.
To Josie's surprise, Lizzie finally answered.
"Jo I really don't feel like—"
"Just hear me out."
Lizzie sighed.
"Hope and I set up this movie night in the cafeteria, to take our minds of off everything, even if it's just for one night.. anyways I really want you there, we all do."
"Alright... I guess sitting around with snacks and a movie doesn't sound like the most terrible way to spend my night."
Josie smiled brightly and waited for Lizzie at the door as she got into something more comfortable.
Josie then realized she hadn't changed either so she told Lizzie she'd be right back and got changed into her pjs.

Once Josie entered the cafeteria, she noticed Hope was already changed as well and had saved her a spot in the back, just as Josie liked.
Josie was smart about these things, if she'd sit all the way out front, she'd have to repeatedly look up, and in the middle it would be too crowded, so the back was (to her) the best option.

Hope handed Josie a cup with Cola in it as she took a sip of her own.
She had asked Dr.Saltzman earlier to turn on the film once everyone was there.
There was a group chat with the whole school in it, made for events like these.
This way Hope knew who where coming, which unfortunately included Penelope.

Penelope wished she could participate the movie night like any normal human being, without stressing & rethinking every single thing.
She wanted to look good since Josie would be there as well, but couldn't overdress either because everyone went in their pajamas.
As though, for once she managed to shake away the insecurities and went to the cafeteria.

Jed received a message from Caleb, asking if he'd see him at the movie night.
But Jed didn't know what to respond, I mean he wanted to go, but he'd have to talk to Caleb and he was sure he would ask him what he wanted to talk about. Jed wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to gather the courage again.
But somehow he managed to shake off the anxiety and go to the damn thing anyway.

As Caleb sat in the middle with Mj and a few others, he had trouble concentrating on Mj's story.
His mind kept wondering off, thinking about what Jed said. Caleb needed to know what Jed wanted to talk to him about, so he send him a text message - asking if he'd be there.

Mj looked over Caleb's shoulder.
He noticed how Caleb hasn't really been himself lately, kept dozing off, had to repeat sentences to him since he wouldn't pay attention.
But there had to be something else... Mj had seen how he became closer with Jed, and now they where texting too?! Mj couldn't help but to feel jealous, considering how his best friend found a 'new homie'.
"Dude, are you even listening?"
Caleb's head snapped towards Mj.
"I— uh, I'm sorry. You where saying?" Caleb stuttered.
"What's going on with you man?" Mj shot him a concerned look. "And when where you me about the replacement huh?" Mj didn't mean to say the last part, but the words simply forced their way out of his mouth.

Caleb stayed silent for a moment. Mj had no clue, of course he didn't.
"Look man, I'd never replace you, it's not possible."
Mj's expression didn't change.
"Then how come you did?"
Caleb swallowed hard.
"It's not like that with Jed."
"I don't understand." Mj's face was so serious, Caleb couldn't lie to him.
"...I think—" Caleb cleared his throat. "I think I'm falling in love with him."
Mj's eyes widened, then a smile formed on his face, which relieved Caleb to his core.
"What, why didn't you tell me?!" Mj punched his shoulder playfully.
Caleb couldn't help but to smile as well.
"I didn't understand it at first, but now I do. And the reason why I was so distracted was because Jed came to my room earlier, saying he had to talk to me, but before he could Josie came in."
"So you think he likes you too? I know I do."
"I mean, he might?"

Penelope was the last one to enter the room, before the projector started up
and so did the movie.

As did the long night ahead of them...

Word count: 1302

Word count: 1302

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