Some Explaining To Do

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"I was really worried about you."

"I know. I'm sorry you had to go through that."
"Don't. You where the one baring everything."
"You don't have to make this about me Jo."
Josie sighed. She never meant to make this or anything else about her. Hope was the one who literally died, and for some reason felt like Josie was the one who needed comfort.
Did she?
No you don't.

"Jo, what is it?" Hope's voice sounded soft, but worried.
"Hope do you realize you died?" Something in Hope's eyes changed, realization maybe?
"You're a full active Tribrid."
"J-Josie I know that, but you—"
"No, you're making this about me because you don't want to deal with it."

The both of them fell silent, Josie felt rather guilty.
She didn't have to snap at Hope like that especially with everything she's been through.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like tha—"
"You should go."
"I have to get some rest anyway."
"Just go."
Tears threatening Josie's eyes as she left Hope's room.

Hope didn't want Josie to leave, but the uncomfortable thirst became unable to ignore.
She didn't want Josie to see what she had become, even if she already knew.
Hope listened for footsteps to make sure Josie was gone, then got out of bed and went to the kitchen.
She opened the fridge and looked around for a blood-bag.
As she found one hidden behind a salad, she noticed a note on it that said Mg.
If it weren't for the thirst being in control, she wouldn't have taken Mg's last bag.
Hope swallowed the lump down her throat before taking a sip, but spitting it out the next second.
Then the realization came back to her, she had to drink a human's blood in order to activate her vampire side...

Hope so badly wanted to reach out to Josie, have her by her side, telling her everything would be okay rather it was true or not.
But just the possibility of hurting Josie was more than enough for Hope to lay low.

Hope rushed to her dorm avoiding as many people as possible, including Lizzie who to her advance was making out with Mj.
In other circumstances, Hope would've told the two to get a room, but that wasn't exactly in her schedule right about now.
Looking into the mirror, Hope noticed how pale her face had gotten, sweat dripping from her forehead.
This was her vampire side's way of telling Hope she had to get a 'move on' — aka she had to feed, and fast.
She might've escaped death that one time, but that didn't mean she could do it again.

"Maybe I shouldn't—"
"Kaleb, you literally have nothing to lose. Just ask him already."
Kaleb never got to tell Jed how he felt after everything that had happened.
He sucked in a breath and let Mj get back to Lizzie before he wandered the school's hallways, looking for Jed.
Once he had no luck inside the school, he went outside, where he found Jed playing football with his friends soon enough.
Kaleb's heart pounded first in his chest, but went up to his throat as it went faster and faster.

Jed locked eyes with Kaleb and smiled as he ran up to him.
"Hey, what's up?" He asked, a little out of breath.
"Uhm, I wanted to talk to you about something, but I can come back later."
Jed wondered why Kaleb stumbled on his words the way he did. In Jed's eyes, Kaleb always seemed pretty together, brave. Not someone who would have trouble getting words out from what he assumed was nervousness.
"No need." Jed told his friends he would be back later, following Kaleb into the woods.

The weather had gotten colder over the past few days, not an inch of blue recognizable through the gray and fog that rested all around.
Kaleb stopped walking and turned to Jed, who raised an eyebrow.
"I'm just gonna throw it out there," he began. "We haven't been able to talk since... you know, and I was just wondering where you're at with.. us? If there even is an 'us'."
Jed simply smiled and took a step closer to Kaleb.
"Do you want there to be an 'us'?"
Kaleb laughed before admitting, "Of course I do."
With that, Jed leaned in and pressed his lips against Kaleb's.

To Hope's surprise, Alaric stood on her doorstep after she rushed out of the bathroom when she heard someone knock.
"Dr. Saltzman, is everything okay?"
"I should be asking you that, Hope."
Hope sighed and said, "Honestly... I have no idea what to do next, with my vampire side being triggered and all."
"Hope, I'm really sorry things turned out this way... I called your family, they just arrived. Thought you could use some cheering up, maybe a bit of advice even.

Hope's eyes watered up as a soft smile formed her lips.
The door opened and there they where.
Hope practically jumped off of her bed and rushed up to Kol, Rebekah and Freya.
A tear fell down her cheek as she felt the warmth from her Family's embrace.
Once they finally pulled away Kol said,

"You my love, has got some explaining to do."

Word count: 934

Quick A/N:
I quickly wanted to apologize for the very late update.
I have my reasons, but will continue to try and update more often.
Also > thank you guys so much for the support on this book, 3k+ is a lot!
I hope y'all still enjoy this story.

Also > thank you guys so much for the support on this book, 3k+ is a lot!I hope y'all still enjoy this story

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