Chapter 16- Sienna

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Mia's POV

My body was torn back to the red headed Chainer as she restrained me from tackling my owner.   My owner only laughed in return and waited for me to say the first words.

"Hello Sienna." I growled, my voice laced with venom.   A pit of hatred filled my stomach, dropping it to the ground making me sick.

Isabella turned to me, her brow furrowed in confusion.   "How the hell do you too know each other?"

"Isabella, meet my arrogant older sister Sienna." I answered, still glaring at Sienna and her fire truck red hair.

Isabella turned to me then to Sienna over and over again, trying to find the resemblance that we never had.   Her hair, in the mean time, followed her head wildly, smacking the chained behind her.

Jo-Jo let out a laugh but was quick to cease it and Stand up straight, is posture showing that he had done nothing wrong.   Sienna on the other hand, knew that wasn't true and rolled her eyes at him and turned back to me.

Sienna's green eyes pierced mine a full feeling filled me.   She always had the most beautiful green eyes.  The same as my fathers.   I missed him so much.

Isabella broke the ice as she always had and simply laughed, "there is no resemblance between you two."

I turned to her and replied, "I agree, though if you squint your eyes we almost have the same nose.   You see, my mom and-"

I was cut off by Sienna's temper getting the best of her.   She screamed at me to stop.   A chill ran down my spine, and I jumped back in fright.   I hadn't heard her yell like that for ages, not since I was taken away after breaking a vase.

Isabella just laughed and continued with her conversation as per usual.
"So why did your sister turn you into a wolf gladiator?" Isabella asked.

I turned my head towards Isabella, though my eyes never left Sienna's.   "We don't have the best relationship," I answered.    Sienna did nothing of protest knowing it was all true.   I continued my answer, this time my full attention on Isabella, "for example.   When I was 12 years old I had to get a tattoo to cover up claw marks from a hit man she hired.   Where a 17 year old finds a hit man, I don't know.   But I can definitely say she found a bad one."

"Your were daddy's princes, he barely paid attention to me. I had to get rid of you once and for all." Sienna snarled me.

"Bullshit!  You got a ton of attention!  It just so happened that because of your actions, the attention was from psychotherapists and a father who was terrified of you!"

"You bitch," she hissed.

"Takes one to know one," I snarled, leaning closer to her.

A loud voice blasted through the room as a man yelled "duck".   By instinct Isabella and I ducked, our hands hitting the floor.

The two chained holding us rushed to Sienna who had been impaled by the flying blade that Jo-Jo had apparently thrown.

Isabella and I stood up and darted towards the door, Jo-Jo following behind us.

"Why didn't she come after us?" I asked as we made our way out of the arena.

"The knife was silver." Jo-Jo answered.

Over the years I've learned to not ask question so I zipped my mouth shut and didn't inquire any more about the harmful weapon and where he got it (being a chained and all)

We sucked out of the arena and into a parking lot.   The fresh air and warm breeze made me fell free again.   And hopefully this time, freedom will last.  

We jumped in a car and we were on our way home.

    So this isn't the end of the main problem.     The main problem is still to come.

    Hope you enjoyed this chapter!    I will be updating some more this week!

     Love ya❤️

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