Forty Eight

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I knew it was never going to be easy, I just knew it, but when Jason called me in the middle of the night and told me that Themba, the man who stole my innocence, the man who made me fear man, the man who I was supposed to meet with this morning was found dead in his car, I felt chills run down my spine.

I knew it couldn't be an accident, it had to link. I know I don't have anything, but this just confirmed my suspicions, Geet has something to do with this, why else would the man drop dead the night before he confesses? Why is that?

I now believe that my sister is evil, I just didn't know to what extend until I got fired this morning for poisoning a person. That's what my manager said when he called me into his office and I was welcomed by a group of police officers who cuffed me immediately when I entered his office, I was shocked and rendered silent, I don't know what they are talking about.

When we got to the station, they questioned me, asked me all sorts of questions I knew answeres to. How do I know the man? He stole my innocence, you never forget such a person.

Why do I want him dead? I don't, but I thi k I know who does.

All afternoon it has been the same thing over and over again. Them questioning me about things I have no answers to.

An hour turned into a day, day turned into two and a week, they kept me in this room and no one saying anything, I demanded to call a lawyer, but they blew me off. I'm hungry. Thirsty and tired, they only give me three slices of breed and tea in the morning and that's it. 














Its been a week Ora disappeared, I say disappeared because when her friend palesa called me to tell me that she was arrested, I flipped, I searched every police station around and no one has her, they don't even know about such arrest. 

I even went as far as trying to strangle Geet just to get to the truth but nothing. 

Everyone has been trying to find her, but nothing. Even Mulcum and his connections don't know where she is. I've been trying to search for her every where, but she is not found, if things were different I should say it was a stunt to try and leave me, but it's not because we have been coming along quite well for the past few days, we have been trying to work on our relationship now. 


 The door rings just as I'm descending the stairs and Geet goes to open it. I pick Cavin and kiss him then walk over to the kitchen with him on my lap.

"I love you so much buddy,"

Geet walks in with Nancy trailing behind her,.

"hy Kagiso" she says, smiling at me. I roll my eyes and walk out on them, and I hear her giggle a little.

I've been in my bedroom going crazy. Even Cavin is tired and sleept, those two have been downstairs laughing and giggle like school girl, my mind keeps going back to thoughts of Ora, when all of a sudden I hear commotion outside my bedroom, when I try to stand up, my door flies open and the woman who has been occupying my mind walks in looking dirty and drained.

"Ora" I call out. She doesn't even look at me. She has tears streaming down her eyes.

"baby whats wrong?" she goes straight to the closet and comes out with a suitcase and starts packing her clothes.

"Oratilwe stop it" I pull her by her shoulders and she panics. I feel my heart beating fast.

"what's wrong? Where have you been?"

She looks at me then at the door, where Geet and Nancy are standing.

She bites the insides of her lips and blinks away the tears.

"I want out, I want a divorce."

I feel my heart dropping to my feet, like I've been hit by a truck.

"Mulcum will send you the papers tomorrow"

"weh-what? Ora what's wrong? Talk to me okay" I can feel that's I'm loosing my composure. "we can work it out baby, please"

She turns and looks away from me, I can see it in on her face, she doesn't want that. No.


"I said my piece, I want out. I'm sorry but I can't forgive you for the schemeing and holding the truth of my parents death, I'm sorry I can't forgive you"

"but baby please okay, I dint have a choice, I just.... Please okay"

I near breaking down. Of all the things I was thinking, this was not it. It was not even an idea to begin with.

She looks at me and blinks her eyes before zipping his suitcase and walking out. She stops and looks at cavin and place a kiss on his forehead and walks out, bumping Geet and Nancy on the way.

I try to run after her, but Geet holds me back.

"she will com_"

"get off me"

I punch the wall next to her and I see her flinch.

The next morning indeed divorce papers were filled, I looked at them and tore them apart, I'm not letting go that easy. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me and I'll be damned if I let her go just like that, because my father and Geet think they can control me. Fuck no.


Watch out for love bullet, a continuation of finders keepers.

In the meantime, search Everything she never had, a story of Maya, Kagisos' sister as Vusi makes her life miserable 😘

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