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I don't know when I fell asleep, I must have cried myself to sleep. Kagiso tried to confort me but he too I could see that it was taking a lot of strain on him. "I tried everything I could" he had said before darkness consumed me and the land of the dreamers welcomed me. Maybe that's why he has been off lately.

On top of everything my periods had to come. I sitting inside the bathtub waiting for Kagiso, he went to buy me sanitary towels, and get me painkillers.

Just as I was  wrapping a towel around my body, a knock came by, I peeked my head out and Kagiso was standing there with clicks plastic bag, I thanked him and went ahead to do my things, since I came with dresses and skirts Kagiso lent me some of his sweats. I wore the socks he bought and his sweatpants and shirt and sat on top of the bed.

I found a text from Mayona asking I call her back. With a sigh I switched my phone off. I'm in no mood to deal with her today. I know instead of conforting me she will make all this about her.

Kagiso:"here, I got you some breakfast, eat then you'll take these painkillers okay?"
I smiled at him. Geet is very lucky to have had such a partner, I looked up at the portrait and smiled, he must have seen were my focus was on because he looked at it and smiled too.

Me:" she was very lucky "

Kagiso :" I was the lucky one. "

Me:" it makes me feel guilty about all this. It's like I'm betraying her in a way"

Kagiso:"I know what yoh mean, we weren't even married for six months and already I married her sister."

Me:"we should just stop all this. I have money in my account to get me by for three months at least, I'll find something I'll leave this place even. Just please let's stop all this"

Kagiso:"are you sure?"

I nodded my head yes, with a sigh he got up from the bed,

Kagiso:"alright then. I'll talk to my lawyers and see what I can do, in the meantime eat up. I'll tell everyone that you not feeling well. Rest up okay"
Without looking back he closed the door. Tears streamed down my eyes and I let them. I prayed and sked Geet to forgive me for marrying her husband, I asked whoever I might have offended to forgive me, I even asked the devil to leave me alone.

I don't know when I fell asleep but I was woken by cavins' laugh. I turned and looked and definitely there he was, Kagiso was putting clothes on him.

Kagiso:"hey... You up. Come on we leaving"
Me:"what about the meeting?"
With a sigh, he placed cavin on his car seat and turned to me, sitting on the bed.

Kagiso :"there were some complecations but it's nothing they can't sort out. Or rather I Cant sort out. Don't worry come let's go, the driver has arrived"

Well... Who am I to question him. I took my phone from the charger, went to wash my face and change my towel.

Six hours later the car pulled up at waterfall estate.

Me:"I'm so hungry and tired at the same time" I said as soon as I came downstairs from placing cavin in his room.

I found Kagiso in the kitchen on the phone, as soon as he saw me he hang up.

Kagiso:"uhm... I'm making spaghetti and meatballs, hope you don't mind"

Laghing I said no, and rounded the table to grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

Kagiso:"so uhm... Rob my lawyer friend will be coming tomorrow to discuss our annulment"
Ohkay... I nodded my head yes and went ahead and drank my water.
We had dinner in silence, I offered to wash the dishes while he went off to sleep.
I took my phone out and texted Yona asking me meet tomorrow for drink, she responded with her room number.

Sleep was a far fetched thing for me so I figured might as well wake up, its almost six o'clock anyway. Rob was coming to meet us in a few minutes. I almost got a heart attach when I found Kagiso leaning against the fridge his one hand holding the phone on his ear the other one was inside his sweats. I didn't know he had a tattoo. No in fact! Tattoos.

Kagiso:"yeah I know... Fuck you, you know I'm trying for heavens sake."
I obviously couldn't hear what the other person on the line was saying but by the looks of things this was not a pleasant call, they way his shoulders were tensed up and how his leg kept twitching"
"you would know better won't you?....... Yeah. Yeah...... Ohkay... He's fine okay........ I'm in charge now, stop making demands" then he hung up.

Kagiso :"were you listening to my call?"
He had a strange look on him  panicked I think? I don't know.
I just shook my head no and proceeded to the fridge to take out food for breakfast. With a sigh he stepped close to me.

Kagiso:"let me help with breakfast"

I nodded my head yes... I was  scared for the meeting we going to have and plus I'm meeting with mayona today, my stress level is on another level.

I left him to finish breakfast while I went to freshen up.by the time I got downstairs three men were sitting on the couch.
Lucky for me Kagiso saved me the trouble of asking who they are because he descended the stairs same time as I did. I looked up at him, he held my hand, squeeze it for reassurance, we walked downstairs hand in hand.

Kagiso:"gentlemen, this way"

They all stood up. Such musculinity. He led them to the kitchen table where he laid breakfast.

Kagiso:"gentlemen man, this is Ora. Ora... These are the lawyers I was telling you about, this is Rob" , he pointed at the old white man, "then Mulcum,Robs son" the other white guy"then Vhutshilo"
I nodded my head, I'm not gonna lie I wasn't paying attention.

Vhutshilo:"alright then, let's get down to business "
Mulcum:"hold on Mr... We still enjoying our breakfast"
Rob:"yeah well its not everyday that we get to....."
I zoned out, it seems like no one is ready to say anything at all... I can't eat, I can't even fumble for words, can we just get down to business already... This people don't know that this is my life that's at stake here?

I threw my fork on the plate, making a loud click. They instantly kept quite, all eyes on me. My hand was shaking, not for anger or anything but for fear. Fear that I might be doomed for life. Kagiso tried to hold my hand but I snatched it, you know when fear creeps in, you start to shake? Everything anyone says pisses you off? You just want to screem and crash things? That exactly how I'm feeling.
Rob cleared his through, shifting a bit in his seat.
Vhutshilo:"I'll... Uhm... I'll clean this up"
Mulcum:"I'll... I'll help too"
Without a single word or glance they stood up and left, I can't even look at anyone.

Kagiso:"Ora look, before we begin there's one more person I invited to come"

As if on queue the door bell rang, vhutshilo went to open in, THAT!!! that perfume? What the hell?

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