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"gentlemen, sorry to keep you waiting" I say immediately I get into my office, I'd say today I would have been screwed had Rob not anticipated their move, I'm glad that he's here because I don't know what I would do.

"please, continue sitting" I say when they don't even make a move to atleast stand and greet me in my office, I brush my suit a little and sit down on my chair, "I'm having the boardroom cleared out just for this meeting because you too many for yall to be in my office"

As if on cue a knock sounds through the door then slightly opens, she peeks her head and says the boardroom is clear.
We all stand up and I usher them out before I close the door.
"hey... Be cool okay" I whisper in her ear so no one hears, she nerves and it's not gonna help selling the story to this brooding man in suits.

"Mr Mahlangu, we have a right to believe that your marriage is illegal" one of them says, he waste no time I see..

"no wait Ross, not illegal but rather..." I disturb him before he can finish.

"gentlemen... People can married all the time why the sudden interest in my marriage? And what do you mean illegal?"

Ora is seating next to me bitting her nails, she looks so scared I'm even afraid that our cover will blow.

"gentlemen... According to my knowledge contractual marriage are legal so please enlighten me on why you suddenly think my clients marriage is illegal, all paperwork have been signed so please tell me, and also who told you that?" - Rob

They all suddenly go mute, what the fuck!

" I'm sorry but we would like to talk with miss Phago please "another one says.

" it's Mrs Mahlangu thank you, and why? My husband and lawyer have already spoken, this marriage is legal with all parties concernt so what would you like to talk about? "

She conposes her self and takes a sip from the water bottle in front of her. Suddently everyone is quite.

" we sorry to show up unannounced but we take such cases seriously, we believe you Mrs Mahlangu were forced into this marriage with intentions to take something so we really sorry for intruding but be ware that this is just one of many visitors we going to have, thank you for your time "
He stands up and fixes his tie and clears his throat.

" just so you know If I find out that you lying, I'll lock you up myself "

he says looking straight at Ora, but like a brave girl, she keeps eye contact and doesn't blink. I like this side of his.

Like headless chickens they all stand up and follow behind him. Immediately when the door closes I turn around in my chair and lossen my tie release a frustrated sigh.

Suddenly the chair next to me screeches and out the door she goes banging it in the process.

"go talk to her, I'll take care of things" Rob says packing his stuff and standing up.

"thanks man, have Ndou call me alright" I patt his shoulder and walk out.

"ora, oratilwe" she pacing around, "let's go to my office, you drawing attention"

she stops pacing and looks around, indeed people are watching us, I don't have time to tell them to get back to work, I have far more things to settle like this woman pacing around and bitting her nails.

I grab her by her upper arm and open my office doors, then lock it after. She sits on the couch and bounces her leg, fuckin irritating nervous trait she has, and it's way too familiar I know it too well.

"she used to do that you know" she stops and looks at me. "everytime she was nervous or scared, she would bounce her leg and bite her nails, it irritated me a lot"

I chuckle, she has a small smile on her. She loves talking about Geet I see, she was... A very pleasant person for want of a better word.

I shake my head to snap out of my Geet trance, "thank you for today, you did good"
She sighs and stands up.

"no... thank you... You being there kinna helped me, I need to learnt to stand up for myself now, I'll be twenty three and I still can't stand on my own, it's a disgrace to womanhood" She bits her lip.
"don't preasure yourself... It will work out in the end okay"

She nods her head yes.

"we had a shitty day, let's go out for lunch I know a place to unwind just outside Midrand, come"
I grab my car keys and stand up. She follows me out and grabs her bag from her table, some people stare at us as we walk out, I take her hand in my and kiss it. She looks at me with confused eyes and I just smile. I call the elevator.

This is just the beginning, I know more is yet to come, especially with Alexander lurking over Ora, I need to know what he's playing at or else everything could get ugly

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