Forty Five

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We all stuck in our spots, no one has moved or attempted to move at all. What the hell is going on here? Kagiso takes me by my hand and pulls me to the direction of the balcony. 

"Mahlangu what's going on?" I'm scared to be honest, I don't know what what is happening i-

"whatever happens in there today, just know that I love you okay, I need you to believe me on that. I really do" 

Before I can ask any further, he kisses me and leads me inside with my hands on his and we walk inside together. Ma'Bee is crying, Geet is busy comforting her and Mayona is nowhere in sight. 

"breakfast is ready" Maureen peaks out and says to all of us. Reluctantly so, we all walk to the kitchen and settle down. Geet is throwing me a look I have never seen in my life ever, where Is the lovely sister I used to know? 

We all settle down and I a can't help my leg from twitching, Kagiso puts his hand on my and gives me a resurrection squeeze. 

"so… There's a reason I Called every one here this morning" I can feel Kagiso tense next to me. She hasn't been out of the hospital for hours and already she managed to summon people here? 

"ngwana what happened, I buried you. What is all this?" I can feel my own tears burning my eyes. 

She clears her thought. "well ma, as you all know I had an accident, I don't really know what happened all I know is that I woke up months later and apparently I had amnesia, still do" she says the last part shedding a tear. GOD I feel so awful. 

"ooh my God" Ma'Bee clamps her hand on her mouth to suppress her sob. She might have been evil to me, but no mother deserves to go through all this.

"theres another thing also" now everyone is silent, "my doctor thought it best I do everything I used to do before the excident, like my work, spend time with my child and-" she looks at me and doesn't blink "and my husband also" out of the blue Kagiso laughs. 

"yeah, siyahlanyelwa LA" he says. 

"yes, yes of course that's the best thing for you my baby" - Ma'Bee. 

She's said it, and I know that's what they will do, by fire by force, I will be forced to leave kagaso. 

"yeah ma, but then Kagiso and Ora are married remember and -" 

"what? My child, you are alive so technically their marriage is null you are the his wife, not her" God, she doesn't even stutter when she says all this. 

"I agree with your mother my child, and as for the work part, Kagiso will give you back your Job and baby Cavin will come back" Mr Mahlangu says, smiling at her. 

"excuse me" I stand up and walk towards the bathroom. I can't help the tears that stream down my face. I sit on the toilet and let the tears fall. 

"you know I always knew she was evil, I just didn't know how much"i look up and mayona is standing by the door. 

" what do you want "I wipe my tears and stand up to wash my face. 

" you know, besides what you think. I did love you, I still do. I just… I Just couldn't hurt you like that "

" what are you talking about? "she uncrosses he legs and stands straight.

" it's nothing, but now I know I fucked up, but whatever you do, just know he has your best interests at heart " she walks towards me and holds my hand, I want to protest but she assures me That she won't do anything. "your sister is what we call epitome of evil, she never cared that's all you need to know, don't be fooled by the big sister role you think she plays"

"mayona what are talking about?" what is she saying? 

"you and I didn't meet by chance, she planned it all, EVERYTHING Ora, and when I mean everything I mean everything" my heart is beating fast, no. No. No. No. This cant be, it can't be. 

"that's not true" my tears betray me and the flood gates open. 

Instead of answering me, she gives me a sympathetic look and shrugs her shoulders and mouths an 'I'm sorry' 

I can feel rage building up. I can't take a lot of things, but not this. I push her out of the way and bump into Kagiso with his head on the wall and his one foot balanced on the wall. 

"did you know about this?" 


"Kagiso did you know about all this, is it true" please say no, please say no. 

"I'm sorry, I knew you won't believe me if I told -" 

Unfucken believable, if this is true, I swear to God I'm sending her back to the dead where she comes from. I walk towards the lounge with Kagiso calling my name, he better not try to stop me or I won't be held responsible for what I do. 

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