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"I will have the Mediterranean zucchini spaghetti with lemon sauce please"

He writes my oder down and turns to Kagiso. Folding the menus he piles them up in one and hands them over to the waiter.

"and I'll have the creamy orange  wadolf salad, and a bottle of your best wine"

The waiter whose name I think is Mose, writes our orders down and the leaves. I turn my attention back to Kagiso.

"that's quite a meal won't you say?" I raise my eyebrow.

He looks at me and then chuckles.
"trust me, we taking a detour to mc Donalds after this" he takes his phone out and checks it before he frowns and put it back in his pocket.

"so why come here, we could have just gone to mc Donalds, better yet, ordered Chinese huh" I wiggle my eyebrows.

"tempting, I might just ditch this place and go there, but unfortunately, we can't"

"why not?"

"it's something we need to do" Ohkay. I won't ask further.

Our orders come after some time, immediately when my plate is in front of me my mouth waters. I can just see myself having a foodgasm from just the way it looks and smells.

"endulge yourself mam" he says with a smile on his face.

"I will" I answer back.

He looks at me and stops eating, as if thinking something but he quickly snaps out of it, he takes a bite from his food, then sips his wine.

"I'm proud of you for today, you really played it cool"

"you already said that earlier"
He laughs a little and continues with his food.


The past two weeks have been, well... They have been uneventful so to speak, but really, nothing has happened so far, no home affairs officials, no creepy man telling me to be careful, basically my life is back to normal.
I have officially moved into the house, different rooms though because, oh well... You know why.

Kagiso has some personal things to sort out so he's in cape Town deeling with them, as we speak. It's a lazy Saturday I'm in the lounge watching TV with cavin playing around, I could take this time to check my emails and prepare kagisos' diary for next week, but I'm not really feeling it so I will just sit here, with my glass of wine, and some peanut butter, hazelnut and chocolate cookies and binge on power.

"mama" he calls out.

"yes boy"

"cie" he puts his hand out. He wants another cookie, so I hand him one, once he gets it he continues with what he was doing and pretend that I'm not here next to him. Well, I'm not complaining, I do need to rest and clear my mind.

As for Nancy, sigh. She's a special case, she woke and decided not to come today, well... Not that I'm complaining but a 'hey I can't come in today' text would have been fine, but because Nancy is Nancy she didn't Come, when I called to aks her, it sent me straight to voicemail, I called three more times after that and still.

I called Kagiso to tell him and his response was "she called me and said she can't come in" okay fine, I get that Kagiso is the one paying her but at least she could have called me to tell me that she won't be coming in, what If I had somewhere to go and actually left thinking that she's here?

I know she hates me, but she will have to learn to tolerate for as long as I'm here.

The door bell rings, I stand up, picking cavin and putting him on my him and walk over to the door. Immediately when I open I regretted it. God better be testing me right now, devil I'm not ready to entertain you right now please.

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