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With a sigh I left the room. Immediately when I got downstairs I got called to the kitchen by Kagisos' twin sister, I've only met her a couple of times before.

Katlego:"come have a drink with us"

I gave off a small smile and sat down on the high chair.

Katlego:"here, drink up. You gonna need it trust me"

She pushed a glass of red wine my way, as hesitant as I was I took it, what I saw had me at my lowest to even care that I'm drinking. Two glasses down I felt myself getting tipsy, some family members came while others were on the way, I knew there was a family meeting called but I don't know why or who were to come.

Some of the cousins came to join us, I don't know why I was scared because everyone here is really nice and welcoming. They didn't even ask me about Geet or anything, I think maybe they know or something?

I was on my fifth glass when I felt someone wrap their arm around my shoulder. I looked up and I was surprised? To see Kagiso.

Katlego:"sup dude" she asked standing up to hug her twin.
Kagiso:"mmmm. Hey sis" he placed a kiss on her cheek and rounded the table greeting everyone on of his cousins.

Kagiso:"Ora can I talk to you?"

I noded my head yes, i stood up and he came behind me with my half full glass of wine. When we got to the room he placed the glass on the night stand and thew himself on the bed with a sigh.

Me:"what's up?"

I asked looking at him, although my eyes wanted to travel to a certain spot but I didn't want to. I can't think about that now.
He removed his arms from his eyes and looked at me before standing straight with his back against the headboard.

Kagiso:" I have good news and bad news"

Me:"what's going on"
He took my hand in his and played with my fingers, for some reason he seemed to be lost in the moment, like my fingers had something interesting going on.

Kagiso:"fuck!" he rubbed his face sighing in the process "the process for your inheritance is almost over"

What!? I threw my arms over him catching both of us off guard. I will be free? Like really really free?

Kagiso:"there's a catch though"
Me:"okay yeah what is it?" my mood rate is on another level right now, nothing can can bring me down.... Well.... Thats was until he said the next words.

Kagiso:"we need to stay married for at least five years"

Me:"what?" I looked at him to decipher his face but he looked torn too... "Kagiso don't play like that"

I didn't realize that I was crying until he wiped my tears away.
Kagiso:"I'm really sorry Ora, lord knows I am. gosh!"
I kept shaking my head no, he can't do this to me. He can not. He should not.

Me:"isn't there any other way around it?"

Kagiso:"I... uhm...fuck! No... Well i mean yes... Like fuck no man"

He stood up pacing up and down running his hands over his head.

Me:"Kagiso please tell me, there is another way right"

I nodded my head yes, hoping that if I do the answer will be yes...

Kagiso:"if you fall pregnant, then uhm... You should either be married or have a baby to get out of this marriage. My baby to be precise"

Now I truly believe the devil is out to get me.

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