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"Hey ma! When did you get here?"

She looks at me and ignores me, ooho! I have zero tolarence for this woman and she knows it, probably why she and I never really got along.

I put my phone and keys on the coffee table and walk upstairs. I go straight to the shower and let the water do its couse. I'm really faced with a difficult situation right here, I don't know what to do.
And then I remember Oras' text,
* make baby * she said, she's ready to have a baby with me, I'm for some strange reasons, I don't want to, or maybe it's because I know we cornered her into doing it? I don't know.

When I walk out of the shower, I find her sitting on my bed.
"hey" I greet her, she looks up and nods her head,

"what happened to you?" she has a bandade wrapped all over her hand.

She made a bitter chuckle. "it doesn't matter, I booked us an appointment for Monday lunch, will you be able to make it?"

"are you sure about this?"

"it's the only way" with that she stood up and walked out. I know this is what I wanted but it feels so wrong. Like why the sudden guilt?
I grab an pair of shots and a vest and walk downstairs. I find my brother in the lounge watching TV with a beer on his hand and remote on another one.

"where's he?"

"your WIFE, took him upstairs apparently."

He put more emphasis on the word 'wife' I won't say anything to him, hes been too caught up in his own world to take notice of anything that's happening in my life. If he's not thinking about tshego he's busy drowning his sorrows or always on call 23/7.

"what were you thinking really? You knew she was gonna leave your ass the moment she found out, you brought it to yourself"

Enough of that, I'm always blaming myself for how things went about, I just... "

" she didn't dress per your expectations? "
He rubs his face and sighs.

" Maya and Katli are sleeping with one guy did you know that? "


"I thought Katli is getting married in two weeks?"

"she still is"
Wait!? I don't get it.

"dude, you seriously lost touch with your family, you need to be in the loop"
"you know what went down the last time I was there, I have a lot going on to entertain all those traditional shit going on over there. I'm not even the eldest and yet"

"you know dad doesn't want us to talk about that"
Double sigh. "your family is fucked up, really"

Ora walks down the stairs and heads straight to the kitchen, and comes back with a beer bottle and hands it to me and then disappears again.

"she wants to have a baby" I blurt out. I don't look at him, but I know he disapproves, I'm in deep shit.
I continue looking at the direction she disappeared to and hope to God I don't live to regret this.

              ****Monday ****

"well... Artificial insemination also know as the turkey baster method is a treatment where by the sperm is placed near the cevix or directly into the uteras, we can have it performed here in the hospital or you can do it at home"

"so it's a completely safe method?"

"yes, sometimes the sperm are washed or prepared to increase the likelihood of a woman getting pregnant... Also" she takes out pamphlets and hands them to us "it is vital to do the procedure when you ovulating. You will need to purchase an at-home insemination kit, but, contrary to what people say the syringe you'll use is not the same as the turkey baster"

And just like that, that's how our baby making process began.


so turns out, Kagiso land me a job interview in one of the most prestigious restaurants in sandton. So next week I'll start. So the interwiew was just a front only, the job was as good as mine.

To say I'm overjoyed would be an understatement, because I couldn't go on Monday, we did the interview on Tuesday and smack bam, I got a call back on Thursday to say I was hired. It's a Friday night so we going out to celebrate. I'll be meeting some of his friends for the first time today, I'm scared but not entirely because their opinion of me doesn't really matter in this situation. I dont care what they think of me.

So I wrap up at the office and pack out every last bit of thing that belongs to me and put them in a box. I take one last glance at my desk and sigh, this is it, this is the beginning of my dream, this, this is what I've always wanted and I'm going for it, all thanks to Kagiso.

"are you ready?" I look and all four of them are here, Rob, Mulcum, vhutshilo and Kagiso. I walk up to them and give them all hugs.

"thank you guys, thank you for doing this for me, I'm truly grateful"

"you family now, we look out for ours okay" mulcum says, besides Kagiso, I'm mostly thankful for him. He's done for me so much than I can think of, he showed me who mayona truly is and I'm glad I found out when I did, only God knows what she could have done had she stayed any longer, to think she's sent here to steal from me? What is so important about my  inheritance that she would want to take it? People are so evil.

They help me carry all my boxes to the basement where Kagiso is parked, once everything has been packed, we agree to all meet later on at a club where we will be celebrating my new job, Kagiso reverses out and places his hand on mine and squeezes it a little, a gesture I'm more than welcome.
Watching all the house pass I rest my head by the window and think to myself, I can do it, I can do it all just as long as I have the right support system.
Soon I will have my inheritance and a little human who will love me unconditionally. Maybe my life is not doomed after all. Maybe my parents are looking down on me and smillling because their little is getting brave. I wish to have known what they looked like. Well... My dad atleast because since Ma'Bee is identical to my own mother I can say, I'm safe in that department.

*****five months later ******

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