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You know that feeling you get when you know you did something wrong and gonna get panished for it? That's exactly how I'm feeling right now.

We've been sitting in silence for over thirty minutes now. Tears streaming down my face and no one dares to ask how I feel about this. They all waiting for me to make a decision. Now... Now I'm backed in a corner, if I dont do as they say I have a lot to lose and if I do I still loose a lot. God where are you when I need you the most? I'm caught between a rock and a hard place.
Me:"kagiso you not gonna do anything about this?" he looked at me and sighed.
Kagiso:"we both know it's for the best"

He should be against this all... He shouldn't be agreeing to all this nonsense happening.
Ma'bee:"think carefully about what you gonna do young girl".

I slept to memories of my parents. The fun we used to have until God decided to take them from me. Leaving me with a wicked woman called my Aunt. Boinelo Laka.

Immediately when I stepped inside the house I found them in the lounge. Sitting there like nothing is wrong with all my bags packed and layed out
Next to the doorway. It was either I do as they say or I leave. The kind of family we have. I stood paralised reeling in everything they were saying. They spoke about doing good for the family and all that bull... I had no choice but to do it. So I did it. This is why right now, this very minute I'm not where I was 24 hours ago. I've moved in with kagiso. By force.

A knock resonated through the door. I didnt answer I just layed inside my blankets with MG back facing the door... Slowly the door creaped open and the bed dipped. I heard what sounded like a sigh coming from him

Kagiso:"Ora work with me here okay. I'm only doing this to help you. Don't make me the bad guy" sigh"we both know your mom is a litch. Better me than some other guy who won't even care for you"

He kept trying to make me see reason until he gave up, stood up and said "take today off, I'll see you" then the door closed.

What have I done to deserve such? Who's sins am I being punished for. Heck what are people going to say about all this? Lord only you know

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