Forty Six

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I tried to stop her but by the time I caught up with her she was already in the kitchen confronting her, Mayona came behind me looking in the least bit interested. 

"tell me it's not true Geetrude" she had tears streaming down her eyes, I knew there was no easy way to tell her that Geet is evil, this had to be done.

"Ora what are you on about?" she didn't look bothered at all.

"my eighteenth birthday, tell me you knew nothing please, I beg of you" now I don't think it was such a good idea.

Geet now suddenly seemed uncomfortable. "what?" her eyes traveled everywhere but where they were supposed to be.

"did you plan it, tell me you had no idea of what Themba did"

"Ora what Is going on?" Ma'Bee.

"you know what Ora, I am your sister before everything else, and you doubting me says a lot, you can't go around believing everything everyone tells you" she that's looking at Mayona who didn't seem fazed at all.

 "you know she would do anything to have you back-"

"and what does her wanting back have to do with you, last I checked you rooted for them, now why would she sabotage her only ally?" I intervened.

"you tell me" she raised her voice. "was I not there for you, didn't I always have your back wena?" she pointed at Ora, "answer me" she said walking closer to her. I stepped infront of them.

"get out of my way wena man. I did everything for her and this is how she repays me? You have everything now because of me and now suddenly because you in love with MY husband you think so little of me? Wangtlwaela wena ka bona" she pushed passed us all and walked outside.

"oratilwe, what is going on?" my mother asked. 

"she had her raped when she was eighteen" I answered for her.

Shocked, she covered her mouth. 

"do you have proof of the accusa9or is it some kind of plot not to go ahead with taking her back" someone tell me what kind of father this man is.

"dad not now please okay"

"La nyonsa weitse, and wena, this is the thanks that we get after everything my daughter and I have done for you, huh? Because now you married and working you don't want us anymore you lie against my daughter, is it not enough what she went through, koor you just want to finish her off, sies man, indeed the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. " 

" don't bring my mother into this, all I did was ask her a question, one she didn't answer, all I want is the truth. If she had nothing to do with it, she could have said so. "

" said so my foot, you practically insinuated that she did it, and yes I will bring your mother into this because this is exactly how she behaved. Sies man" she spat on the floor. 

"okay that's enough Boinelo, get out" I pushed her out of the door. "wena, you will regret this I tell you"

"we shall see" I said before I closed the door on her face. I brushed my breaded and sighed. This is going to be a long day.

I walk back and mayona is nowhere in sigh, my mother takes cavin upstairs and leaves the three of us here.

"now you two, I don't know what the hell is going on, but you" she points at Ora, "you will apologize to your sister and -"

"she's not doing that" he throws me a look, I keep quiet immediately.

"like I was saying. You will apologize and -" this time Ora interrupts him.

"I'm not doing that, I'm sorry" she bites the inside of her lips to stop her quivering lip. 

"you will, it's not negotiable. I have said my piece" Ora looks at him and chuckles.

"and I have said mine" with that she turns, taking my car keys on the way out 

I can't help the smile on my face. Maybe, just maybe things might turn out the way I want them to.

"we set the date for lobola negotiations for Azania, two weeks from now" he really knows how to down my mood, like everyone else, I also walk out, where am I going, I have no idea,but I know I'm not staying here any minute longer.


"Mulcum please, you the only one who can help me now, I just want the truth okay" he looks at me. He looks torn.

"okay fine, it's about time you know the truth anyway, come" he pays the bill and walks me outside.

He takes his phone out and makes a call, "yeah, hey… She's with me, yeah, okay, well meet there" he hangs the phone and turns to me."come, follow me" he goes to his car while I go to mine, he drives out with me following behind, my heart is not at ease, like something big will happen, I don't know what, but I know it will. "

I drive behind him for a good thirty minutes before he enters a gated estate. It looks morden and fancy. I wonder who lives here. 

He parks his house and tells me to come out. I follow behind him and he opens the door and I go in first.

" please have a seat" he tells me. "I'll get you something to drink while I go change" he says before disappearing.

I keep biting my nails and twitching my legs, until he comes back dresses in casual clothes with a glass of juice and a can of beer in his other hand.

"Here" he says. I say thank you and he sits down next to me. "okay, so. I'm Mulcum" I laugh and shake my head.

"I know who you are," he smiles and takes a sip of his beer.

"do you?" He asks.

"uh, yeah?" I say.

"okay what's my surname?" He asks with a stupid smirk on his face.

Okay, I don't know, after some time he turns and looks at me. He shows me his left finger, he has a ring on it. I look at it and look at it. 

"look closer" I Scan his ring and see the word 'Milano' written in italics.

"you?" I stutter mh words.

"I'm married to the Millano, not something you find everyday, but… Im Married to Jason Milano, your brother"

Somebody tell me what the fuck this is. 

"you were six when your parents died right?" 

I nod my head yes.

"your brother was twelve, you parents wanted to get married, they were on the process of adopting Jason when they had that unfortunate accident, they left so they can come get you and all four of you live together" 

"why are you telling me all this?" He looks at me and smiles.

"because, this will help you understand everything better"

We hear a car pull up and he stands up. "everyone is here, come"

Okay, what does he mean, everyone? Who are they.

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