Forty Three

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We At Netcare Waterfall City Hospital in the waiting room, Ora can't stop crying, blaming herself for the state her sister is currently in. I tried comforting her but it was all futile, if it were up to me, I would still be in bed doing God knows what, but because dear precious Geet is full of drama, here they are. Almost twelve in the evening pacing up and down the hospital corridors. 

"Ora come on okay, let's go back home okay, Cavin is coming and I really need my sleep okay" 

She threw me a murderous look, you'd swear I said something evil. Maybe I did, but I don't care, I am seriously tired with Geet and her stunts, wasn't it enough that that she pulled the Mayona stunt knowing pretty well how that would make me feel? Mxm. 

"fine, if you don't want to stay here, go, no one is holding you hostage anyway" she retorts. Lord what the hell is wrong with woman, tell me exactly what you were thinking when you created them huh? I swear I can't keep up. 

If this is some sort of guilt trip I'm not playing it, I grab my phone and keys next to her and turn around. 

"when you decide to get some sleep, call me" I turn around clicking my tongue and walking out. I can't believe this, in my way out I numb into the second she devil, I try to walk past her but she grabs my arm. I roughly snatch it out, making her flinch in the process, I would feel bad for scaring her, but right now, I'm pissed, I'm tired of all the drama happening, it's time the truth comes out. 








I'm busy bitting my nails, with my foot tapping in the ground, I can't help the tears flowing, I did this to her, I did it all to her, she just wanted her life back and I took it. I'm a bad sister it's all my fault. 

The door opens and the doctor comes out. I quickly stand up and approach her. 

"how is she?" she looks at me and smiles. 

"she's okay, she had a mild heart attack but everything is looking right, she just has to take it easy, she will be good to go tomorrow" 

"ooh, can I see her?" she nods her head and I walk in. 

To my surprise she's awake, she looks deep in thought. I can't keep my tears at bay, like a river, they flow. I pull the chair and sit down. 

"Geet." I try to grab her hand but she snatches it away. I'm hurt really. 

"I'm really sorry okay, I didn't mean for things to end up like this, you have to believe me" 

She continues to disregard me, it's fainful I won't lie, "Geet plea-" 

"o batlang Oratilwe, huh? Do you want to see me dead huh?" 

What!? "no of course not, you my sister, I would never wish you that you have to believe me please" 

"Get out" 

"Geet please, let me explain" 

"there's nothing to explain, you just like your mother, take everything that doesn't belong to you, leave my sight please" 

Hearing her bring my mother into this hurts, she knows how much it hurt me to know what my mother did to hers, I never wanted to be like her, but I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree huh? Maybe I am like my mother, maybe that's why Ma'Bee never really loved me, I was a constant reminder of her pain, her sisters betrayal and today, today I proved that I am my mother's daughter. 

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