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The drive to E-Nkangala was long and draining, kagiso was quite the entire time, something was bothering him but knowing him the way I do, he won’t say anything if I ask him. So I do the only thing I know best, I keep quite.
From the little that ii have gathered, kagiso is not that big on his family, if you talk about messed up family, it’s them. The Mahlangu are royalty, but their troubles are bigger than their name. we drive in and he parks right outside the garage, he places his hands on the steering wheel and sighs.
“I have a bad feeling about tomorrow” I look at him and allow him to finish, “Maya and katlego are in love with the same man” ooh god. “I have been trying to steer things right but I failed, neither one of them is willing to let go of this guy, like” he rubs his face as a sign of frustrations. “I couldn’t be the brother that I’m supposed to be”
What do you say when a person says things like this? “I’m sure that’s not true” instead he just looks at me and shakes his head, “you don’t know anything” then he steps outside and comes to my side and opens my door. When we get inside there’s chaos, people are doing ups and downs, going left right and center busy preparing for the wedding tomorrow, now with the information kagiso said to me, I can’t help but wonder what will happen tomorrow.

I drape a scarf around my shoulders and wrap one over my head, since everyone is here even Usiphile who I learnt is Loyisos' wife and the crazy woman named Tshegofatso who rocked up in our house one day demanding her child back. I go outside and immediately katli comes to me and drags me to the condo outside. When we get there, Katlego, Tshegofatso and some of their cousins are there drinking already. "guys, meet my precious sister in law, Oratilwe, rati, these are, Tshegofatso, Basetsana, Hlengiwe and Monica" I smile and greet them back, Tshegofatso is not even paying attention to me, she's busy drinking herself to oblivion.
"koor ake tlhaloganye gore why must I be here, akere they have their bride already" the girls looks at her and laugh.
"you know, if your weren't seeing that mlungu of yours, I would say you still have feeling for my brother"
She looks at katli and clicks her tongue, "feeling my foot." she takes one last sip from her cup before she refills it.
I get handed a glass too, or rather. A mug. Before we know it, it's past midnight and I'm dead drunk, I don't even know how I will walk inside on my own. I stepped outside my room with intentions to help cook since its every wife's duty and according to the Mahlangu traditions, if you not married, you don't even go to the kitchen when there's a ceremony. But I got hijacked so… Blame Katlego.

The next morning I woke up all alone in kagisos' room with him nowhere in sight, but his side was still warm meaning he must have woken up a few minutes ago.
I try standing up but my head hurts, drinking like that was a really bad idea.
I can hear some commotion from the passage, kana it's the wedding day. Or will there be a wedding, I guess we will see.
The more I listen the more I recognize the voices, it's Kagiso and his father, they are arguing. And then there's a female voice,
I get up and go take a bath, I'm pretty sure there would be too much ups and downs so as a dutiful wife, I need to take part, when I step outside of the shower, I find Kagiso on the bed with our bags packed and cavin on  his lap eating his shirt collar.
"what's wrong" he looks at me and remains quite. "Kagiso?"
"finish up we leaving" then he stands up, puts cavin on the bed and heads to the shower, I'm left shocked and rooted to my spot. The very same thing happened the last time we were here, I don't understand what it is exactly that happened, I suppose the commotion I heard this morning, so I oblige and finish up, he's still in the shower so I take cavin with me downstairs and straight to the breakfast table.
Everyone on the table is tense and quite, Maureen takes cavin from me and pleases him on her tighs, "come mfana wami" I plate for myself and and take a sip of the Juice, breakfast is eating in silence, well, that  was until we heard suitcases being dragged down the stairs and kagiso appearing with a girl behind him, I don't know who she is, but I can see the resemblance between them, they not much but visible still, except for the color of their eyes, hers are honey brown, something neither of them haven.
"oooh come on, you really going ahead with that stupid idea of yours?" Loyiso shouts. Everyone shoots him a look. "what? It's really ubsurd, what exactly is your problem"
"Loyiso, khawthule man" Maureen scolds him and he immediately obeys. One thing I think they all have in common, is the respect they have for their mother, as for their father, Kagiso legit wants nothing from him.

"uyangaphi Maya?" the girl behind Kagiso shifts in her feet "angzwanga?" Maureen says when she doesn't answer.
"mom I going with Kagiso" she has an accent.
"Ngaphi?" she asks again, she's not even looking at her because she has her eyes on cavin feeding him. Now all eyes are on Maya, waiting for her response, but Kagiso comes to her resque. "mama, nisale kahle, katli… Usale kahle"
He beckons me over with his head, I stand up and go over to cavin but Maureen refuses, "let him be" she still has her eyes cast down and I see her eyes glitter, I don't know what is happening, so I just put my hand on her shoulder and by some miracle, she places hers over mine too and pats it.
Then I bid every goodbye and head over to the car. Kagiso gets my door and Mayas. The whole ride is in silence, Maya looking out the window, miles away from what's happening, clearly lost in her own thoughts. After some time, Kagios parks in a lodge and takes our bags out.
"come to my room when you done" he says referring to Maya, she just nods her head and heads over to her room.

"Mahlangu, what's going on?" He looks at me and sighs and looks at me, his eyes glistening on the verge of tears, I feel myself getting scared because I have never seen him like this.
"I…" instead of answering me like he planned, he pulls me closer to him, making our mouth move together in gentle embrace, our lips locking and breaking. Our kiss started soft but quickly escalated, he would kiss me, pull away slightly to look at me, giving me the hottest expression I've ever seen, and then kiss me again.
My arms circled his neck, pulling him closer to me, my hands tugging his hair because I needed more of him.
All of him, he turned so I was on my back, separating me legs and pulling my hands above my head, grounding into me, his lips separated mine, moving his tongue into my mouth. I immediately felt our breath mixing together. His hand moved under my dress to the line of my panties, sending move shock waves down my castle. He left my mouth and started kissing my neck. Still grownding onto me. He felt thick. And hard. I released a moan because if he doesn't stop, I'm scared I might just cum.
He looked at me "are you sure about this?" his eyes small and his breathing laborated. "yes" I said, taking his shirt off, he looked at me one last time before he kissed me again.
He helped me out of my dress and started kissing me again.
I moved my hand all over his chest, feeling how smooth and rigid he was, I ran my fingers over until they went begin him and circled him over his shoulder bringing him much closer to me. He stopped kissing me and looked at me, keeping his eyes on mine, he slowly removed my panties and bra, is a slow sleek motion. Heart beating fast, arousal pooling I lifted my butt a little so he can pull them off. He smiled once he saw me and pulled my legs over his shoulder, "are you ready?"
"he-oooh my Gosh" I clutched the sheets and shut my eyes.

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