"Em?" George's voice brought her out of her thoughts. "Would you ever get a tattoo?"

"If I win a World Championship I will." Emilia decided. She'd never considered it but thought it wouldn't be a bad idea and gave her even more motivation, if that was possible, to become World Champion.

They had a few more questions before they finished up. The fact that someone had got a tattoo of her still shocked her. She knew that there were people out there that liked her but she didn't realise it was by that much. The tattoo had also done in her F2 season because she recognised the trophy lift. She also hadn't lifted a trophy in F1 which kind of narrowed it down a bit.

"Did you see someone got a tattoo of me?" Emilia queried.

"That's pretty amazing. I would love someone to get one of me." Christine had the enthusiasm that Emilia liked. "Is that not a good thing?"

"I'm just scared of disappointing them. A tattoo is permanent and what if I move to a team they don't like or I leave F1 next year." Emilia panicked.

"They clearly like you enough and something like that is not going to make them not like you. Plus, it's not your problem to sort out anyway if it goes wrong." Aurelia assured.

George once again accompanied Emilia on her track walk which was enjoyable again. She had raced at the track last year so it wasn't new to her which she liked but obviously she'd never driven an F1 car here in the past so she still had a lot to learn. With George, she discussed and argued over the lines they use in corners. Turn three caused some disagreement particularly. George wanted to fully ride the kerb whereas Emilia only intended to skim the kerb and use barely any of it.

It was good from both of them that they had personal preferences but also discussed them like adults. Although, Emilia was incredibly stubborn and would not admit George was right to his face. George would occasionally as he was less childish but he didn't exactly like it.

After the track walk, Emilia and George had another team game to do. This one involved less talking and building a Lego race car but blindfolded. They would get a look at the pieces beforehand which there were around twenty. There was a time limit of five minutes to piece the car together. Emilia had a plan.

"I haven't played with Lego in years." George sighed with his hands on his hips.

"Yeah neither." Emilia stood waiting for the two of them to be allowed to open the packet and get a look at the pieces. She had these as a child so she knew roughly what she was doing. Plus, if she got a feel for the pieces as she observed them, she would know what to put where. Well that was the plan anyway. They were allowed to open the bags and Emilia tipped the contents out and started touching the Lego.

"Woah are we allowed to touch the Lego before we start?" George questioned. It was confirmed that he could and he'd lost valuable time on Emilia who had been making the most of her minute. The time finished and they were blindfolded. When they were told go, Emilia reached down to the table and begun. "Ah no I can't find my pieces."

Emilia didn't reply to George as she was too busy concentrating. She couldn't often say she beat George so she desired to make the most of this opportunity. This was off track so it wasn't as good as beating him on track but she was grateful to beat him at all. He was just obnoxiously good at everything.

"I have no idea what I am doing here." George laughed. Emilia however did have a clue. She had attached the tyres to a piece that would fix underneath the car and set them to one side. She started on the main body of the car and thankfully, the pieces were quite large so she got what was part of the chassis. It took her a few goes to place both sides on the floor but once she had got one in the right place, the other was easy.

That's Racing Baby | Lando NorrisTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon