Chapter 32: Race Nine

Start from the beginning

Her start was alright and she was clear of the Ferrari behind her. Going in to turn one, she wasn't challenging or being challenged which was good for her want for a clean race. She could see George was still ahead of the Mercedes that were charging after him.

She had no drama and a gap grew either side of her allowing her to race calmly. Emilia thought now would be a good time to warn her engineer about her possible movement. It probably wouldn't be a massive issue but she felt like she needed to let them know.

"Um hi." Emilia started. This was her engineer and she was going to report an issue there was nothing to be nervous about.

"Is everything okay Emilia?" John questioned calmly.

"My seatbelt is a bit loose." Emilia admitted.

"How loose are we talking? Do you need to stop the car or pit?" John sounded concerned.

"No I can feel it in the heavy braking areas a bit. I don't think they were done up tight enough but I don't need to pit. It's not unsafe." Emilia decided. She was still P5 and needed it to stay that way.

"If you're sure."

"Yeah, it's fine." It wasn't fine but Emilia was not pitting. She could feel herself being pushed forward a bit on the straight and the heavy braking zones but it wasn't hurting much or anything. She'd definitely feel it a lot more if she crashed. If it became dangerous, she told herself she would pit.

Even though Emilia wasn't racing anyone, her tyre wear was awfully high and she would have to pit earlier than expected. She hadn't been particularly pushing either or using the kerbs so she didn't understand why they were so worn. They knew the undercut was very powerful here but if she pitted now would he tyres last until the end?

"My tyres are gone." Emilia informed.

"Copy, box this lap. Going for the undercut. Looking at Plan B." Plan B was a two stopper and the team had saved a set of mediums for the possibility. She had pitted first and the earliest out of all twenty of the cars so everyone would be on fresher tyres than her towards the end. That meant they would go for a second stop from the hard to the mediums.

Emilia's pit stop went smoothly and she came out not in traffic. She had an Alfa in front of her that she was chasing on new hards. It was an easy overtake simply because his tyres were beginning to drop off.

"Nice one. P13. Vettel three and a half ahead." John informed. Emilia considered this not a difficult overtake again because her tyres were newer and her car was faster which outweighed the experience of the German. She proved to be right when she was late on the brakes into the first corner. Her chest leaped forward and almost winded her hitting the seatbelt in front. It restrained her but it shouldn't allow her body to move. As long as she avoided late braking, which she wouldn't, she'd be fine.

"How's that seatbelt?" John questioned at a convenient time.

"Yeah, it's fine. I move when I brake late but it's fine." Emilia knew she wouldn't pit as she needed a good number of points from this race.

"We're concerned for your safety and getting a penalty here. Are you certain we're not going to get one?" Were they more worried about her safety or the penalty? Probably the penalty. "Your safety is our priority." John clarified. Maybe she was wrong.

"Yeah it'll be fine as long as I don't crash because I'd definitely feel it." Emilia chuckled fearfully. Her seatbelt wasn't done up properly and she was driving up to two hundred mph. It was slightly scary.

"Okay, let us know if you change your mind."

Emilia continued overtaking cars ending up in P5 and within two seconds of Bottas in front. He had recently come out so he would be on newer tyres and that meant it was going to be a hell of a battle. She was reminded to take it easy by John but he knew she never would. If there was a gap, she would go for it but she wouldn't risk her race for it.

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