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The Pines Residence, seventeen years ago

The entire mansion of the hosts for the wonderful celebration was vibrating with so much cheer. Guests were exchanging pleasantries with one another, with some playful banter here and there. Familiar faces greeted each other, as they catch up on the years they lost. The hearty laughter of the people dancing on the floor just added to the excitement and thrill of the festivity.

The eight-year-old Stefan just watched the entire event with so much boredom. He didn't ask to be here. He didn't even want to attend a birthday of a brat he didn't know. He had plans with Trevor and Devon, but the two canceled out on him at the last minute, informing him that the two needed to go back to Italy as soon as possible. Those traitors.

With so much time in his hands, Stefan was not able to refuse his mother when the latter dragged him out of his room and into the celebration. Reeve and Chris were also displeased with their parental unit, and Stefan thought that they would band together since the three of them were the disgruntled bunch.

But the moment his two brothers caught a glimpse of their crushes, the young Stefan was left in the corner, with a sharp glare on his brothers' back, and the silent promise that his brothers will face his wrath later. With a bored sigh, Stefan swept his eyes around the area and his eyes narrowed on the dimmed path towards the gazebo.

His curiosity being piqued, Stefan absentmindedly stepped away from the boisterous crowd and let his feet take him to his destination. There were wall lamps and lampposts installed, so the covered path was not that dark. As he gets nearer to the gazebo, the young Stefan felt a shiver down his spine. He stopped in his tracks to check if what he was hearing is correct, or if his ears are just playing with him.

Stefan swallowed hard and his fists clenched on his black pants. "H-Hello? Is someone there?" His voice just echoed in the empty hallway, adding to the eeriness of the place.

Stefan was just halfway to the end of the hall, where the gazebo is currently located. A sudden gust of cold wind brushed on his cheeks, solidifying Stefan's resolve to run away and ignore the muffled sobs, but every time he decides to turn his back and flee, his body won't let him.

He took a deep breath and after a few seconds of debating with himself, he made a decision.

"Ghosts can't harm me. Humans can," Stefan chanted and ran towards the gazebo.

Might as well get it over with, while his bravery is at its peak. He needs to find out the person behind the muffled cries. What if it's a ghost? That just means that Stefan can brag to his friends that he finally saw a ghost. It's a win-win situation.

Stefan's feet stopped a meter before the gazebo. He bent down, his hands on his knees, as he tried to catch his breath. The distance he ran was short, but the fear he felt earlier definitely contributed to his ragged breaths. He fished out the handkerchief from his pocket and was about to wipe the sweat on his forehead when the sobs turned louder this time.

"H-hello? Can you hear me? I won't hurt you. I just want to know why you're crying," Stefan said with a shaky voice, as he scanned his eyes around the gazebo, searching for a person.

He cleared his throat and continued, "If you're a ghost, I still won't hurt you, because I literally can't," he added a nervous chuckle and decided to step forward.

✅ Little Ollie's Daddy |The Phantom Series #1|  [DDLB] [MXM] [MPREG]Where stories live. Discover now