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It felt like he had failed you.

You were just driving the car in silence, staring at the road ahead blankly. Jungkook had his hands tightly held between his thighs. Sakura was sleeping in the backseat.

You had just come back from the doctor.

Turns out, he would never get his memories back.

Two months had passed since his accident and Jungkook wasn't able to retrieve them anymore. Now, it was slowly getting difficult as the days passed. The doctor had said that it could be random now. They weren't sure whether he would ever be able to remember whatever that had happened. They would either be long-lost and forgotten or still buried away deep inside his mind.

He was just stuck there.

Did you really care? Not anymore. Just him being alive was enough for you. Didn't care whether he remembered you anymore.

Because you had gone through this too.

You hadn't disclosed who you actually were. He didn't even know his childhood friend was even alive. You had forgotten about him too. And whenever he uses to tell stories from your past you used to get slightly annoyed knowing you would never be able to recall them.

And you didn't want him to go through this.

That girl named Mia and you felt like a totally different person. Sometimes you would be jealous knowing he loved that Mia too. But Mia was you,,, wasn't she?

Yet you were nowhere alike.

You had decided not tell him anything about it now. That was all in the past. Long gone and forgotten. Because if you played your 'Mia' card on him—you knew he would accept you happily.

You didn't want that. Because you were jealous of her. She hadn't gone through the struggles you went through for him. So why should she happily get accepted while he is trying to divorce you?

He needs to love you.

Not his childhood friend who was long drowned and dead.

You weren't even going to tell him about him trying to kill Sakura. He would go back into that headspace blaming himself for everything and you didn't want that.

Just forget about everything and create new memories. That's far much easier. Only if he tries to remember the new ones though.

There were differences between him and you. He always seemed to live in the past working out his life again and again trying to find one thing....just one thing he could do to save every innocent around him.

While you always let go of everything and start from new. Because you knew how much it would hurt if you live in the past.

Indeed, one of you were wrong.

And maybe one of you would be right too.

But in the end, both of you were One.

The way how he lives the rest of his life was in your hands. And you wouldn't want him to spend his youth in regretting his decisions. You wouldn't bear to see the devastating look in his eyes whenever he would look at you or his five-month-old daughter.

His brat which he tried to kill.

So you will hide all his pain and remorse within yourself. So that, he would remain happily.

Let every secret be a forgotten mystery hidden deep inside you, lost forever and never to be revealed.


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