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He sees you getting into the bed with Sakura. The room was filled with baby giggles as you nuzzled her tummy.

He saw you smiling and it was damn beautiful. Your pretty laughter full of love and affection while his daughter's innocent and happy toothless giggle.

You both were so beautiful.

He had a cute little family. A wife who loved him and was very beautiful in his eyes. A tiny daughter whom he wanted squish in his arms and plaster kisses all over her chubby little body.

Soon, they weren't going to be his anymore. You weren't gonna be his wife. His daughter was going to be away from him.

There would be no laughter in his house.

But the arrow was already shot and in no away he could turn it back. He was going to lose you.

He had already started to see the difference. You had spent the night in someone else's house just because he was scared of the things going on. You had accepted someone else touching you because he was too shy and theoretically had no experience in it.

He wouldn't know what he was doing. 

Maybe if you could guide him, tell him what he could do......he could have pleasured you.

But his window was long gone. Even if they had sex now.......you would never be his.

As his eyes landed on your hands, he realised you didn't have his ring anymore. And when he gazed at his fingers, he realised he never asked for his ring too.

Did he too never try to improve your relationship? Did he fail to make efforts? He recalled from the start how you always used to encourage him. Hug him every hour. Kiss him telling he was doing great. You would help him with everything. Made food, cleaned the house, bought stuff, took care of Sakura. Most important—you would go to work too every single day without backing out. 

You were making efforts. A lot more efforts than him. You were handling everything and still had time to smile and coo at him and your daughter.

He just used to look after Sakura for 8 hours everyday and run away whenever you flirted with him. You wouldn't let him cook telling that you didn't want him anywhere near boiling foods. And he was scared too. One slip and there would be complications he didn't want currently.

So what could he even do while utterly feeling useless?

Jungkook did try hard to get back to what he was. And physically, it was working too. Tremors and headaches had lessened. He had even started to remember his daily tasks successfully. Need to put dates and reminders on calender had gotten considerably less.

But he just couldn't get his memories back.

He saw you placing her in the cradle besides you before hopping back into the bed with him. He could sense your scent up close and it was warm and enticing. Jungkook took a deep breath.

"Done sniffing me?"

"Huh? Uh......" You only shook your head. "Whatever, when you are done, do switch off the side lamp. I gotta wake up early tomorrow."


And he sees you diving back into the covers, placing no kisses on his cheek this time.

And this time, he tried to sleep a bit closer to you.

Just a bit closer wondering how would it feel when the bed is empty besides him.


He got up alone today. Not waking up to sweet kisses on his face made him pout. There was no sign of you anywhere. He peeked inside the cradle to see Sakura had gone missing too.

Jungkook frowned and slowly skidded downstairs in the kitchen. You weren't there too. The house was empty and dead silent.

"Where's she?"

On inspecting closer, the boy found a note tucked under a few toasted bread. He picked it up.

Took Sakura for her shots. Will take her to the office today directly since I had
no time to pump.

Eggs are in the fridge, make an omelet for yourself. You need to start doing things on your own.
I wouldn't be around
much longer

Were you mad at him or you were just helping him to cope up with his weakness?

Jungkook nibbled on his lips and placed the note back before walking towards the fridge to take the eggs out. "Alright.......how to make an omelet?"

He stood there for a few minutes.

"Yeah......got it. I need to chop a few vegetables." He sighed and looked back into the fridge to gaze on the desired vegetables. The man picked a capsicum up and stared at it.

"Fuck it." Tossing the poor pepper back into the fridge he just collected two eggs and broke them into a bowl. "Ughh!" Few pieces of egg shells fell right into it.

"Oh fuck me."

Jungkook spent the next five minutes picking the shells out out with his shaky fingers. Beating the eggs, he sprinkled some salt and black pepper.

Finally heating up the pan with a bit of oil, he poured the bowl in a circular motion and waited in silence before flipping it again in the most uncanny way. The omelet broke from middle and he groaned again.

At the end, he had to do with bits and pieces of a cooked and uncooked omelet.

There was no banana milk for him this morning. He had to make it on his own. So he sighed and fetched two bananas from from basket and carefully chopped them before pouring them into the mixer. Once he was done with everything, he silently sat on the stool staring at his breakfast which was in pieces.

It wasn't that bad was it? He was coping up well.

He clearly wasn't coping well.

Jungkook looked to his left and saw his daughter's high chair empty. The boy would always wave at her and tease her showing how he could eat things other than just milk. Then she would start whining to show her what he was eating.

He would always observe you while you made breakfast and baby talked with Sakura.

Sakura used to wave her little arms around and talked back trying to make a conversation.

Today there was none of it. It was dead silent. Just him and his crusty broken omelet. He felt cold.

He never felt so depressed.

His happiness was right there and yet he wasn't able to grasp it tightly.

And as he sat there alone and desolated in the earliest of mornings, jungkook wondered whether having a divorce was something he really wanted.

Did he really want to set you free because he felt he was burdening you?

Or was he scared to finally see himself being happy?

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