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You opened the door to an empty and dark house. Sakura was munching on your hair as you flipped the lights on and looked around.


He wasn't in the kitchen nor in the bedroom. You frowned and looked in Sakura's room but it was empty too.

"Where's this kid?"

You walked down again with Sakura yanking on your hair and saw that the gym door was open. "Huh? He started exercising?" Pulling the door open you came across a silent and dark room. "Jungkook? Are you in here?"

And then you saw two yellow spots in the dark. Your breath hitched for a second before you sighed and searched for a switch. "What are you doing here in a corner? Scared me for a second."

The lights brightened the room and you saw him crouching down in the corner like a kid. "What's up with you being depressed now?" He was just looking down not meeting face to face with you.

You groan and walk towards him. "Let's go outside. Sakura is being whiny again." The girl was now licking your pendant. If you don't feed her soon she's gonna start eating you instead. "Come on, don't make me crouch down now. I will break my back."

He raised his head and rubbed his eyes before slowly standing up.

Your blood ran cold. "Woa-what?!"

The right side of his jaw was bruised. Your eyes popped out and you cupped his face. "How the fuck did that happen?!"

He sighed and drew away. "Nothing.......the bar fell on me." He pointed towards the bench press.

"Why did you start lifting?! I told you to start with normal push ups! When you can't carry your own weight, how are you supposed to lift more than your own weight?! This was risky!"

You checked his jaw which was slightly swollen. "What if the bar had fallen right on your face? You can't lift a damn chopstick without shaking and you are trying to lift 70kg?!"

"I normally started from 90 kg everytime......"

"But this isn't everytime!" You yell.

He was slowly rubbing his chest.

"You got hurt on your chest too?"

"Yeah......fell right on it and rolled over my chin. Pushed it away on time though......."

You face-palmed. "Come here you stupid kid. I feel like smacking you."

You grabbed his arm and walked out. Sakura was peeking at him over your shoulder with her wide inquisitive eyes. Jungkook looked at her and she quickly hid in your neck trying to play with him.

Jungkook smiled weakly and waved at her.

She gave him a toothless smile and did a grabby hand.

Placing the kid on the bed you walked back down to the fridge. Fetching an ice pack, your gaze lands on a box.

You huff and walk back up to see him hugging Sakura. He had crouched on the bed again giving the girl a few warm pats while she pulled his hair to munch on it.

"You didn't have lunch?" You ask him.

Jungkook slowly shook his head.


"Forgot........." He muttered.

"How-you didn't set a reminder? Didn't get hungry?!"

"I..... don't know............"

"So you didn't take your medicines after the lunch?"

"Maybe.........I don't know........ lost track of time......" He hid his face in his daughter's neck while she continued to lick his hair.

You close your eyes and took a deep breath. "........what should I do with you now........Why are you doing this? First pulling up a stunt down there? What were you even thinking?! You think things magically start to get better just like that?! You think everything will turn out just fine when you just sit in the corner and cry?! You need to put in efforts jungkook!"

He hugged his baby tighter and closed his eyes. Sakura was blabbering in his ear. The boy just wanted all of this to stop. He didn't want to make you angry.

He just didn't know what to do anymore. As if he was slowly losing control.

"I take care of everything else......look after the company........our daughter.........I only wanted you to get better! That's what I only wanted you to do! Just look after yourself! Is that too difficult for you?"

You run a hand through your hair feeling yourself tearing up. "What are you going to do once I'm gone huh?! I left you alone by yourself just for day and look what you did to yourself. The same thing with the damn accident! I let you you go alone that day and you managed to get under a damn bus! I'm tired of this jungkook. I'm trying very hard to manage everything. And you aren't helping!"

You continued. "You knew those weights were too heavy for you. Yet you did it. You know you forget things. Yet you didn't put a reminder. You know those pills are necessary for your tremors and yet you didn't have them. I'm trying my best here to make you comfortable and give you whatever I can but you can't even take up such a small responsibility?"

Your shaky hands reached forward to wipe your tears. "You think I don't get hurt seeing you hurting? You think I don't feel anything seeing you hiding in some corner of the house? I don't get tired after getting through all of this? Well fyi! I do! I care about you and you aren't making it any easier for me!"

Gripping on your hair you gave out a painful sigh and gritted your teeth. You were hurting a lot.

"Do you know I still curse myself for letting you go out that day? Forcing you to go into that damn office when you didn't want to? Do you even know how bad I feel when I see you wincing and grabbing your head everytime? I-I feel bad too you know? I'm not just a damn r-robot!"

Jungkook feels Sakura smooching his cheek and leaving her saliva on his face. He hid her in chest wanting to hide himself somewhere too. The boy was tired of himself. Nothing was going on the way he wanted.

He was just trying hard to get better. Be useful in some way. But he was failing. Terribly.

But who cares?

Divorce was going to happen anyways.

You were going to leave him anyways.

Jungkook might terribly fail at everything all at once when he's finally alone.

He was a failure from start afterall.

(A/n)- Some people are such idiots. I recently read a book where the main female character was insulting the male gender in a very bad way. And then the people in the comment section were praising that thought calling men trash and what not. Some of them were like she's so powerful and how their feminism was blooming. Saying that we need no men. Oh how utterly wrong they are? Most of them are brain-less teenagers.

Is this really feminism? Cause if it is, I want no part of it.

How do we really expect to gain respect from men when we are the ones insulting them in a 'joking' way? It really pissed me off today. Feminism has become such a joke. Some women are really twisting it in some female super position.

Toxic feminism is really just a hatred towards men. We are doing the same thing which men did before feminism was built. The basic values of this movement have gone trash now.

How are we better then?

We all need and depend on each other. There's no Ying when there's no yang. There's no summer when there's no winter. There's no masculinity when there's no feminity. Both powers are equally important. Both thrive on have each other. We can never break them apart.

Anyways, thanks for listening to my rant lol.

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