The party panic

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Error's POV:

I was at a party, hosted by Unlust, with Ink. I didn't want to be there, but Ink insisted. The lights burned my eyes a little. The music was blasting. "Ink, what ar3 we d0ing h3re? You kn0w I hate crowd$." I inched closer to feel safe, but I couldn't help but notice he moved away a little. "Ya ya sure... where is he?" He began to look around for someone, I'm guessing Dream. They've been hanging out a lot lately... alone. But it's probably nothing... right?

I started to space out, but I snapped out of it when I felt Ink pull at my sweater. "I found him! Hey! Dream! Over here!" I see Dream come running over, he gives Ink a hug and waves at me. "Hey Ink! Oh, hi Error." I wave back. "Ink you have got to try some of the drinks at the snack bar! Its like heaven!" Dream pulls Ink along with him... leaving me alone, in a party, filled with people. I loose Ink and Dream in the crowd. I began to panic. I could feel my soul pounding out of my chest. It felt like walls were closing on me. I was so out of it that I didn't hear someone yelling my name until the sounds got faded and I was outside. I opened my eyes and the only person I saw was... Nightmare. His eyes were filled with worry, and he had his hands on my shoulders. "ERROR!? ERROR HEY! Error its alright! It's me! Its just Nightmare! Your ok! Breath!" I started to gain my breath and kept my eyes on Nightmare. "Breath!" I took a deep breath, one after the other, they started fast... "Breath." In and out in and out. "Breath." In and and out. "Breath" in...and and out. "Good Error. That's good."

He sighs and sits next to me. "Are you ok? What happened? Where's Ink?" "I-I..." I started to hyperventilate again. "Ok ok... uhh, one question at a time. Alright?" I nod and relax again. "So, how are you feeling?" He began. "Um, ok now I guess... thank you." "Good, good. Now, where's Ink?" I turn my head to look at him. "Dr3am." He looked annoyed when I said his name. "And what happened?" I told him everything that happened before he found me. "So Ink just left you there, and went with Dream?!" I nod. "What the hell?! I thought he was your boyfriend! What an asshole!" "Its not the first time he went off with him and left me." I cross my arms and sigh. "And have you ever thought he might be cheating on you?" I look at him "What?! No! H-he would never... I hope." Nightmare sighs and stands up. He holds out his hand "Come on, lets go inside and have fun without Ink and Dream!"

I smile and grab his hand, following him inside the party. He kept a hold of my hand through the crowd. We made our way to a clear spot where the music wasn't as loud, but we could still hear it. Neither of us knew the song, but we didn't care at this point. "So where is the rest of the gang? Did you come by yourself?" I wondered, "Huh? Oh yeah, the gang's here; well not all of 'em. Killer and Horror are here, but Dust and Cross stayed at the mansion." "Oh, ok!" As the music played, Nightmare started dancing while I stood there watching. "Come on, Error! Dance! I know the song seems slow, but trust me it's not!" "I-I don't know....its embarrassing." "Oh come on!" He whines and grabs my hands as the music's beat picks up, "N-nightmare?!" I blush, but don't pull away, and dance with him.

We continue to dance as the song fades out and ends. "Wooo! That was fun, huh?" He asks letting go of my hands. "Y-yeah, actually it was!" I smiled with joy... real joy! I haven't felt joy like this since... I don't know. "Hello? Earth to Error?" Nightmare says grabbing my attention, "Huh? Oh, sorry. I was just thinking." "Thinking about what?" he asked. "N-nothing...." He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, "Error~ what were you thinking about?" I blushed a light yellow and sighed, "fine! I was thinking about how fun it is dancing with you and that I haven't felt joy like that maybe since I first started dating Ink.... I know it's dumb and pathetic." I was expecting Nightmare to laugh or make fun of me, but he didn't.... he just..... smiled.
"Error, it's not dumb or pathetic. Hell, I actually think it's cute or nice." I blushed while trying to comprehend what he said. "It... it is? Th-thanks. U-uh, why don't we grab some drinks?" He nods and grabs my hand, "Don't want you to get lost! I know you hate crowds." I smirk and follow him to the beverage's table.

I started looking around for Ink or Dream.... cause if I spot one, I'm sure I'll see the other. But of course, he and Dream were nowhere to be seen. I grabbed one of the drinks off the table, I made sure to smell it first; just in case. Nightmare grabbed one aswell and took a sip. I noticed he picked a Pepsi where as I chose, from what I could tell, was a kind of alchohol...I'm guessing rum or scotch. I chugged the glass all the way to the last drop and grabbed another. "Haha! Damn Error, slow down!" Nightmare warned. "Hehe. You're right, I guess I should." We finished our drinks and headed back to the dancefloor. This time, when Nightmare started dancing, I joined.

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