EP 112 - Catch A Cold

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I wake up early since my little sister being here. I want to spend time with her. After i have a shower and changing, i run to her room. I open her door and walk into her room. I saw that she is still sleeping. I slide open the curtain so the sunshine can bright her room. I woke her up but i was surprised because her body is burning.

Jimin : Crybaby, wake up....

She didn't response to me. I run to Jin hyung room.

Jimin : Hyung, wake up....Hyung...

I shake his body

Jin : Go away. Today is Sunday and it  still early.

Jimin : Hyung, crybaby have a high fever.

He immediately wake up.

Jin : What?

Jimin : Please check on her.

Both of us rush to her room. We saw she cover her body until head with the blanket. Jin pull the blanket and put his palm on her forehead.

Jimin : She has a fever, right?

Jin : Yeah. Jimin, bring a small towel and a basin of water.

Jimin : Okay.

I run downstairs to the kitchen and take all the item. Then, i bring it to her room. I rinse the towel and put in her forehead. Suddenly, i hear someone spoke.

Jungkook : What happen, Jimin hyung?

Jimin : She has a high fever.

Jungkook : What?

He walk closer

Jungkook : Is it because of last night?

Jimin : I think so.

Jin : I already call the doctor. Guys, you wake her up and make sure she has a warm bath.

Then, he left for his room to take a shower.

Jungkook : Okay, hyung.

Jimin : Jungkook, you wake her up. I will prepare her water bath.

I walk inside the bathroom and fill the tub with warm water. After done, i walk to her. She still didn'twake up.

Jungkook : She doesn't want to wake up.

Jimin : Y/N, wake up...

I said and try to make her sit up.

Y/N : What? I'm sleepy.

Jimin : Have a shower first and then you can continue to sleep.

She slowly open her eyes. She about to get up but she fall on the floor.

Jungkook : Yahh. Are you okay?

Both of us get down at her level.

Y/N : Why did i feel so weak?

Jungkook : I will carry you to the bathroom.

He carry her and take her inside.

Jimin : Take a shower, okay. We'll wait outside.

Jungkook : After you done, just knock at the door.

Then both of us step out from the bathroom and wait in her bedroom. We waited like almost 20 minutes but she didn't knock.

Jimin : What take her so long?

Jungkook : Should we check on her?

Both of us walk inside and saw she already changing but she sit on the floor.

Jungkook : What's wrong?

Y/N : I feel dizzy.

Jungkook : Can you get up?

She shake her head. I help her to get up and support her to her bed. I help her lie down and cover her with blanket.

Y/N : Where's mom?

Jungkook : Mom and dad already leave early in the morning to Jeju island for a meeting.

Y/N : I want mom.

She whining.

Y/N : I want mom.

She whining like a kids.

Jimin : But mom is not here.

Suddenly, we hear Suga hyung spoke.

Suga : What are you guys doing?

Jimin : Hyung, she have a fever and now she want mom.

I said. Suga hyung check on her. He try to calm her down. She went to sleep but she didn't stop whining.


You keep whining in your sleep. You suppose to go back to IU place today but in your condition like this, BTS won't allow you leave.

Y/N : Mom.....Mom....

Jungkook lie down beside you and pull you into his embrace. He pat your back and make you sleep peacefully. You hug him back and snuggle at his chest.

Y/N : Mom.....

Namjoon : She looks like a five years old kids.

Suga : Is she okay?

Jungkook : I think so.

Not too long after that, the doctor come and check on you. He said you just too exposed to cold weather.

Jungkook : Poor my crybaby.

He pat your back. Then, Jin come inside the room with a porridge in his hand.

Jungkook : Y/N, wake up and eat something.

You snuggle at his chest.

Jungkook : Eat you porridge and medicine.

You slowly open your eyes and Jungkook help you sit up. Jungkook make you lean back at the headboard. Jin sit beside you and feed you slowly.

Y/N : Uhmm Oppa....It's tasteless.

Jin : It was because you are not so well right now. That's why you think it was tasteless.

Y/N : I don't want to eat it.

You whining. The other BTS members chuckles at you.

Jin : If you not eat, how can you take your medicine.

Y/N : I don't want it.

You said and hug Jungkook and whine at him.

Y/N : Oppa, tell Jin oppa....

Jungkook : Hyung, don't force her.

Suga : Yahh Jungkook-shi, don't get flatter by her.

Jungkook : I am not. I just feel sorry at her.

Jin : Fine. Make sure she eat the next meal.

Jungkook: Okay. Lie down back, sister.

They take turn to accompany you that night. They didn't sleep well since your fever didn't get down at all.

You have fever for 5 days and that also means you stay at the mansion all the time. Of course BTS was happy because you were there even though you are not so well.

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