⁂ Smiling Murderer 30 The Truth ⁂

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Bai Yutang nodded,

"The same group of people go all over the world... Are they trying to test different races?"

"People in different regions have the biggest gaps in their psychological conditions and thinking logic, but they're actually not much different in terms of physiology."

Zhan Zhao said,

"It's like we'll die if we eat cyanide, and foreigners will die if they eat cyanide. There is nothing to experiment with, and this experiment can't come up with an accurate number."

"Then they are experimenting with... Electronic eyes?"

Bai Yutang asked.

Zhan Zhao nodded,

"That's right... The Death Smile is a poison that is already well known to many people. That's to say, as a poison, its value has been positioned to a certain extent, and there's no need to do too much. Invest the funds for the experiment to study it. This is not worth the loss, and this is just an ordinary poison that spreads through blood and food, and it cannot become some kind of lethal weapon."

"But the electronic eye is different."

Gong Sun nodded,

"Once the electronic eye succeeds, people may be implied unknowingly. At that time, the method of death may not be a Death Smile. It may be set. At the time of death, the victim died inexplicably according to the request of the hypnotist... Heh, the nature of the death note is almost the same."

"Gong Sun, do you also read that comic?"

Bai Chi asked him with his eyes wide open,

"I like it too."

Gong Sun looked at Bai Chi and reached out to touch his head... Bai Chi's tail, which hadn't appeared for a long time, shook again.

Zhan Zhao continued,

"But today's electronic eyes are in the experimental stage, and all the dead are faked to cause death. Smile and poisoning... What's the purpose?"

"Confused, make us think it's just neo-Nazist extremists doing the blame?"

Bai Yutang asked.

"Do you remember Guo Cheng and the others?"

Zhan Zhao asked,

"They were so angry with laughter."


Gong Sun nodded.

"In fact, nature is the same as this."

Zhan Zhao said,

"Different causes of death are all disguised as one kind. At the time we thought of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Of course, just like that, the behavior at the time of death can also conceal the murderer's true intentions."


Zhan Zhao nodded and said,

"Neo-Nazism is just a game of some students. Some overplayed, played too big, and killed people, just like Liu Song... However, Liu Song, including other people who participated in this operation and died in the end... Are just the real murderers, who were hired to act and confuse us, and can be discarded at any time!"

"This is indeed an excellent way to cover people's ears."

Bai Yutang frowned and said,

"Until we traced it to the end, we only thought that some organization was taking pleasure in killing people, and never suspected... It was for another purpose. Killing is just a blinding method... No, to be precise, using Nazism to kill is a blinding method and killing the clues involved in the case. It was killing people. Everything went smoothly, but something went wrong here in Deng Che... The Yellow Wolf was used in prison to inform us!"

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