Secret Love - Anne Shirley Cuthbert

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Y/n = Your name

Y/h/c = Your hair colour

Y/e/c = Your eye colour

f/c =  favourite colour

"Anne what if Marilla finds out? You know how religious she is." I say as Anne and I walk into the forest after church.

"Y/n trust me, Marilla will accept you. Just tell her your interests but don't tell her about us." Anne says picking a flower from the ground and giving it to me. "To our secret love." Anne puts the flower behind my ear and I smile at her. We continue to walk in the forest until we come upon a beautiful clearing.

"Wow, isn't it beautiful?" I ask sitting on a log I saw resting next to a river.

"Not as beautiful as you," Anne says sitting next to me. I giggle and she holds my hand. "Y/n have you ever kissed someone before?"

"Well, I've kissed my brother and my mother. But never someone that isn't family." I say looking at her green eyes.

"I would like to kiss you. May I kiss your hand?" Anne asks. Anne has always been a very polite girl. I do love her but people just simply won't accept us. So, if we have to keep our relationship a secret for that reason, we will.

"You may," I say smiling. Anne takes my hand and kisses the skin. My stomach erupts into a swarm of butterflies and my smile widens. "I quite liked that."

"I did too. Are you excited about the dinner tonight?" Anne asks reminding me that I'm having dinner with her and her family tonight.

"Very excited. I'm excited to meet Marilla and Matthew since you never stop talking about them." I say teasingly. Anne chuckles and hugs me.

"I do love you Y/n." She says.

"And I love you, Anne," I say hugging her back tightly. We pull apart and get up to start walking back to our homes.

"I shall see you this evening," Anne says smiling.

"See you this evening!" I say running back to my house. I go to my cupboard and find my f/c dress. I slip it on and brush out my hair getting a matching ribbon. I get my coat and go downstairs and put my boots on. "Mother I'm ready!" I shout. My mother pokes her head around the door and she kisses my forehead.

"I'll see you when you get back. George! Come say goodbye to your sister!" My mother shouts. George comes into the room and hugs me.

"Bye-bye Y/n," George says sweetly. I hug him back and kiss his cheek.

"Bye-bye. I'll be back in a few hours." I say. Mother nods and I leave the house. I walk over to Green Gables and once I get there I knock on the door. Marilla opens it and smiles at me.

"You must be Y/n." She says smiling. I nod my head.

"Yes, It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Cuthbert," I say smiling.

"Oh please, call me Marilla. Come in, come in." Marilla says making way for me to enter the house. "Anne! Y/n is here!" Marilla shouts. Anne runs down the stairs and when she sees me a smile prints onto her face. She runs up to me and hugs me tightly.

"Hello, Anne!" I say happily hugging her back.

" Hello Y/n! I've been waiting for this moment!" Anne says. I nod and take my shoes off. I sit at the table next to Anne. Marilla sits across from us and Matthew sits at the end.

"Matthew this is Y/n," Marilla says. Matthew smiles at me.

"Hello, Y/n." He says smiling.

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