Cheesy Dork

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Jenny was humming quietly to herself as she turned the pages of her GCSE art book, reminiscing about her and Alex's last year of secondary school. She thought of a time when Alex had beaten up a bully in the playground, after he had insulted Jen's music. A bittersweet time. That had been about a month or so before Wu had first offered to train them, and a little over a year before their father had died. 

"Jenny? Are you in there?" she heard Kai's voice outside her door. It startled her out of her thoughts and she fell off her bed, hitting her head against the floor.

".....ouch." Kai poked his head round the door, frowning in concern.

"Are you okay?" Jenny grinned sheepishly at him.

"Yeah, just hit my head."

"Want me to kiss it better?" Jenny's face went bright red.

"Yes." She replied quietly. Kai chuckled and kissed her softly on her forehead.

"Better?" Jen flicked her gaze up to meet his, smiling shyly.

"Yeah. Better."

"Good," he returned the smile. "Shall we go?"

"Yeah!" The two of them made their way to the courtyard, talking as they went.

"Funny that Wu chose us for the diplomacy mission, huh?"

"Presumably because I can keep you in line," Jenny replied. "And you're occasionally quite charming." Kai looked offended.

"I'm always charming!"

"No, you're always a cheesy dork," she insulted him playfully. "With the rare charming moment, and many dorky moments." She ruffled his hair, messing it up beyond repair. "Dorky looks cute on you."

"Don't get too distracted." Kai winked at her.

"That's easier than you think, honey."

"We'll see about that." They reached the courtyard and summoned their dragons. Jenny hopped onto her light dragon, frowning slightly.

"Hey, Kai? Do you think I'm naïve?" she asked, taking the reins. "Be honest, please." It had been years ago now, but it had still hurt.

"What? No! Why would you think that?" She turned her face away from him.

"No reason."

"Jenny. You are the most beautiful, thoughtful, talented, kindest person I know," he told her sincerely. "Whoever tells you otherwise is both deaf and blind."

"You're exaggerating."

"When have I been known to exaggerate?" Jenny gave him a look. "Okay, fine. But I'm not exaggerating now."

"I still don't see it."

"Then you're blind." Kai decided.

"If I was blind, I'd say you were ugly." Jen pointed out.

"C'mon, princess," he whined. "Work with me here." She gave him the side eye.


"Jenny, my life is better with you in it," he tried. "When you're by my side, I feel like there's nothing I can't do. And when I look at you, the whole world disappears and nothing else matters except you and me. You're everything to me, Jen." She opened her mouth to argue, then shut it. How could you compete with that? Jenny certainly didn't know.

"I feel the same," she replied shyly. "You know, when we first met, I was kinda intimidated by you."

"What?" Kai frowned. "Why?"

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