Bullying A Kidnapper

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Jenny: So, how old are you?

Kira: *starts laughing*

Jay, joining in: Really? That old, huh?

Kira: *desperately trying not to laugh*

Jenny: And you're not married yet? *trying not to laugh*

Kira: *laughing*

Jay: How? How are you not married?

Jenny: Oh my gosh, no way! You just haven't found the right one, right?

Jay: Or they haven't found you. *bites his lip to keep from laughing*

Kira: *wheezing*

Jenny: Is that a picture of your sister right there? Y'all look just alike.

Jay:  No, she's really pretty! She's so pretty! *laughs*

Jenny: Yeah! She could be a model!

*All three of them dissolve into laughter*

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