The Corn Maze

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"Kai, we've been stuck in here for two hours now," Jenny pointed out to her boyfriend. "Why don't we ask someone? I'm hungry."
"I can get us out," Kai insisted, turning right at yet another fork of the path in front of them. "We'll be back with the others in no time." Jen furtively glanced down at her phone. Alex had messaged her.

A: Where the hell are you?
J: Kai thinks he can get us out of the maze.
J: I think we're lost.
A: Of course, you are.
J: Can you just help us, Al?
J: Kai won't let me ask anyone.
A: Fine.

Jenny looked up to find that Kai had stopped, clearly wondering which way to go.
"Perhaps we should go left?" she suggested.
"Yeah, that's what I was thinking." Jen struggled to hide her grin.

They continued on through the maze, with Jenny sneaking glances at her phone every so often.
"I have a feeling we should turn left here." She told him about ten minutes later. He glanced over at her thoughtfully.
"You seem very sure about this." Oh sheepish sharks, she thought, he's onto me.
"Alex and I used to love going in corn mazes as kids," she lied, hoping her voice wouldn't tremble. "I guess that still hasn't gone away."

She wished that she had smuggled some food: she was getting hungrier at an alarming level. As much as she loved her boyfriend, he sometimes thought a little too much of himself.

They continued on through the maze in a peaceful silence.
"Hey, Jen?" Kai asked after a while.
"Hm?" she responded, glancing up from the text conversation she was having with Alex. Her brother was starting to get impatient with their slow progress, and Jenny was trying to persuade him to stay with the rest of the Ninja and not leave them behind.

Kai entwined his hand with hers, squeezing it gently, and smiled at her.
"You seem happy." Jen observed, returning the grin.
"Just admiring my girlfriend." She ducked her head shyly.
"Dork." His smile widened.
"At least I'm your dork." Her cheeks went an even deeper red at his words.
"Shut uuuuup."
"You know you love it, darling." Jenny whined and tried to hide her face in her hands.
"Kaaaiii." He smirked at her reaction.
"Would you talk to others the way you talk to yourself?" he pointed out.
"Absolutely not." There was a pause.
"Fine. You don't look nice. You look like art," he replied after a while, turning to look at her again. "And art isn't supposed to look nice. It's supposed to make you feel something. So, I'm the lucky one here." Jen decided it was probably a good idea to not fight him on this.

A: Let me guess.
A: You had a lovebird moment and then got lost.
J: Maybe?
A: Uh, of course.
A: Follow the directions this time.

Eventually, Kai and Jenny managed to find their way out of the corn maze.
"See?" Kai crowed triumphantly. "I knew the way out!"
"I never doubted you," Jen decided not to let him know that Alex was really the man behind this. "Shall we go find the others?"
"We shall, my dear."

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