Weirdos Part Two

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"Down here in the Underground."- Cole

"You're all alone."- Ranson

"We wanted to tell you now. You're kinda boned."- Jenny, Lloyd

"If you survive this prison, you will know nihilism."- Jayce, Kira

"Don't mess around with monsters."- Shaun, Ranson

"They're scared of tiny children."- Jay, Jenny, Ezra

"You've come far, but soon you'll stumble."- Shaun, Ranson

"When I stump you with some Junior Jumble."- Jay, Cole

"Not so sure you'll get him with that."- Cole, Alex

"Alas, I'll hit him with my special attack."- Zane, Atlas, Jax

"Leave me alone!"- Alex, Lloyd

"You know I've got a knack for the trombone."- Jenny, Lloyd

"One more pun and I'll be done."- Alex, Ezra

"But ain't two skulls better than one?"- Jenny, Kai

"We can relate to your determination."- Atlas, Nya

"Because we monsters have our motivations."- Ranson, Shaun

"You know your story's already been told."- Leo, Thomas

"We can play again if you sell your soul."- Alex, Ezra

"I've got my eye on you, so you just watch it."- Kai, Nya

"I'll find any skeletons inside your closet."- Jenny

"Who's the real monster? Now you should know."- Ranson

"You've cut this story down to the bone."- Cole, Zane

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