Chaos. As Usual

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Lloyd: Oh. My. God.
Kira: Alex is wearing pink! Alex is wearing pink!
Nya: Are we sure it's not just a white shirt that's been bloodied in a motorcycle crash?
Cole: Maybe it wasn't her.
Kai: Does she have a twin sister?
Atlas: If she had a twin, she would have eaten her in the womb.
Jay: Wait. Hold it, stop. How come none of you are teasing her about it?
Jenny: It's Alex. She's scary.
Jay: You guys are unbelievable! I once wore a shirt with a splash of purple, and you guys called me Mr Grapes for two years!
Cole: Oh, Mr Grapes! I forgot about Mr Grapes!
Jay: If I wore a pink shirt, you'd tear me to shreds!
Ezra: Well yeah, but you'd look like My Little Pony with lightning powers.
Kai: Let me guess. Your theatre club is putting on Grease, and you're playing a Pink Lady.
Cole: *laughs* Good one!
Alex: What are you guys laughing at?
Jenny: If Jay was wearing a pink shirt.
Alex: I get it. That's hilarious.
Jay: What is happening?! Alex is the one wearing pink!
Alex: .....and?
Jay: It's gorgeous. I wish I could pull that off.
Alex: Dream on, Strawberry Shortcake.

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