What Girls Want

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Nya: Hey, what do you think? Red dress or black for tonight?

Jay: Oh, I don't know, you'll look beautiful in whatever you decide.

Nya: Oh, well thank you. But I'm actually having a hard time deciding so I was hoping you could pick.

Jay: Either way, you're going to be the prettiest one at the party, babe. I love you so much.

Nya: Okay, no. I love you too.

Nya: And I know you think I'm beautiful and this isn't a test. I just-

Nya: Which dress would you prefer to see me in tonight?

Jay: I prefer you just the way you are.

Nya: Oh my god. *walks out of the room*

Nya: Hey, Cole! Red dress or black?!

Cole: Black. The red makes you look like a bitch.

Nya: Thank you!

Cole: No problem!

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