Flagrant Bunny Rabbits

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A/N: I'm gonna put in some little one shots of the story, because I want to.

"Oh flagrant bunny rabbits!" Jenny exclaimed under her breath, when she checked her phone after training. There was a message from an unknown number.

U: Hey, how's it going?

J: Who is this?

U: Ouch. You deleted my number?
U: It's Leo.

J: Of course I did.
J: It's been months since we broke up, what do you want?

Leo: I want you back.

Jenny's heart sank.

J: I'm sorry, but no.
J: I have a boyfriend and I'm happy in my current relationship with him.

Leo: It's the Fire Ninja isn't it?
Leo: Kai?
Leo: Yeah, he doesn't deserve you.

As if Leo did, after what he'd done to her.

J: No.
J: Kai deserves the whole world and more.
J: My only regret is that I can't give that much to him.

"Hey Jen, what's up?" she turned to see Kai standing just behind her. She had been so focused on dealing with Leo that she hadn't heard him sneaking up on her.

"Nothing," she lied, feeling her heart start to race. "I'm fine."

"You think I can't tell when my girlfriend's upset?" Kai countered, raising an eyebrow. "C'mon, something's up." Jenny silently handed her phone over to him. He read through the conversation, then looked down at his girlfriend.

"He's texting you again?" Jenny sighed.

"Yeah," she admitted quietly. "I'm tempted to block him, but that'd be mean." Kai smiled at her and ruffled her hair.

"It's okay," he reassured her cheerfully. "I trust you." Jenny knew that he was trying to cheer her up, but those words only made her feel worse about the whole situation. She opened her mouth to say something, anything to fix it, when Cole appeared at the edge of the courtyard.

"Hey, lovebirds!" he called out to them. "We're waiting on you for lunch. Hurry up!" Kai turned to Jenny, offering her his arm.

"Shall we go in, milady?" She took it, faking a contented smile.

"We shall, my lord."

During lunch, Jenny still couldn't get Leo off her mind. He wanted her back. She had to resist him. She had to say no. But how?

She glanced over at Kai, who was laughing at Cole as if he didn't have a care in the world.

How could she destroy that?

Hurting him would shatter her as well.

She felt so guilty for what was happening: if Jen had blocked Leo before, then he wouldn't be messaging her now.

After lunch, Leo sent her another message asking to meet up as friends. This made Jenny even more nervous, and she accepted his offer before she even knew what she was doing. The situation continued to plague her at nighttime.

"Hey, what's up?" Lloyd questioned her, noticing her hand shaking as she made them hot chocolate that night. Jenny, relieved to have someone who wouldn't judge her for what she'd done, told him everything. Lloyd listened quietly to every word she said.

"And now I don't know what to do!" she finished, her voice rising slightly in panic. "I love Kai so damn much, I don't wanna lose him."
"Don't worry, it'll be okay," Lloyd replied quietly, placing a hand over hers. "I'm sure nothing's gonna happen."
Jenny sighed.
"I'm gonna need your help tomorrow, if I'm right about all this."

"You absolute idiot," Jen told her reflection the next day, as she readied herself for the meeting with Leo. "Just say no, for once! He's your flagrant ex!"

Except she knew that she couldn't. She'd feel bad about it.

She sighed, turning Kai's necklace over in her hands.
"Forgive me, my love."

Ironically enough, Leo was waiting for her at the same café where Kai and Sarah had broken up. He smiled when he saw her arrive, and linked her arm with his. She felt her muscles tense instinctively.
"Shall we go in, princess?" The pet name sounded strange on his lips. Jenny slipped her arm out of his, faking a smile.
"Yes, of course," she replied. "Thank you for this. You're a good friend, Leo." They went in together, Jen trying not to fiddle with Kai's necklace around her neck. Unfortunately, Leo noticed.
"That's a nice necklace you've got there."
"Kai got it for me." Jenny responded, narrowing her eyes slightly at him. Apparently, Leo had selective eyesight, and didn't see it. Perhaps he also had a selective brain.

Leo continued to act like they were dating throughout most of it, slowly making Jenny more and more uncomfortable. Her mind kept darting back to Kai, who was probably still at the temple. If she continued much longer, she might lose him forever.

At some point, Leo put his arm around her, his grin a little too smug.
"It's good to see you again, darling." That was one of Kai's favourite pet names for her! She had grown increasingly uncomfortable throughout the whole thing, especially since she still had an extreme sensitivity to strange people touching her.

There was no way she'd let Leo take Kai's place as her boyfriends he decided, and quickly texted Lloyd under the table.

J: Get me outta here.

He rang her almost immediately after, and she put it on speaker.
"I'm sorry to cut things short, Jen," he lied. "But the others are making catapults to fire watermelons, and you know how it was last time."
"Alright, I'll be there." She hung up and quickly made her excuses to Leo, before hurrying out of the café. Lloyd was waiting outside for her, just as they had planned.
"You know you're gonna have to tell Kai about this." Lloyd told her, stepping on the accelerator as soon as she was sitting in the passenger seat. Yeah. She knew.
"Where's Alex?" Jen changed the subject, not wanting to think about confessing to Kai.
"She's helping Lucy this week. Remember?" Jenny's heart sank. You could always count on Alex to tell you that you were being an idiot, after all.

"Hey, firefly," Kai greeted her softly, when he found her drawing in her bedroom about half an hour later. "What's going on? You seem stressed." He sat down beside her and took her hand in his. Jenny's eyes filled with tears at the tenderness in his voice and his gentle grip on her hand. She told him everything and ended her explanation by handing her phone over to him.

J: No, Leo. And you know why?
J: Because I love Kai and he loves me.
J: He treats me better than you ever could. He would never hurt me.
J: And let's not forget that you did.

L: But, Jenny...

J: I said no.

Kai swore under his breath quietly and gently. It was too much effort paying actual attention to Leo.
"Are you okay?" was the first thing he said to his girlfriend after reading through the text conversation. Jenny frowned.
"You're not angry with me?"
"Why would I be angry with you?" he replied gently. "You did nothing wrong." Jen breathed a sigh of relief at his words, resting her head against his shoulder.
"I thought I was gonna hurt you." There was silence between them for a while.
"Break my heart," Kai spoke then, his voice still soft and soothing. "Break it a thousand times, if you like. It was only ever yours to break, anyway."

Still, Jenny thought to herself, perhaps she should learn to set some boundaries. She didn't want to risk hurting Kai again, after all. Unfortunately, Leo was going to get hurt. In the metaphorical way of course. Jen wondered if that was sarcastic.

It probably was.

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