Defending Jenny

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"Why do we have to wake up so early again?" Jen complained to Alex, poking her head round her bedroom door.

"Good morning to you, too," Alex replied from the room opposite. "Don't you usually like school?"

"I like learning," Jenny responded, leaving the door slightly open so that she could continue talking to Alex. "But not getting up early." She changed into the assigned school uniform for girls: black pleated skirt, white blouse and a dark red jumper.

"What lessons do we have today?" Her sister called back. She got changed in the same uniform as Jen, but swapped the skirt for black trousers.

"Music, Art and PE. Our favourites!" Alex smiled.

"Nice." Jenny carefully placed a gold, floral headband on her head, before dancing out to meet her sister on the landing.

"Looking good, Al!"

"Feeling good, Jen!" The two of them started down the stairs together, heading towards the kitchen.

"I can't wait to show mum and dad my GCSE piece for art," Jen told her sister. "I'm kinda proud of it."

"You should be," Alex responded. "It's good."

"So is yours. You're awesome at animals, you know."

"Liar." The two of them made their way into the kitchen, where their mother was cooking breakfast and their dad was reading the newspaper. He glanced up as they walked in.

"Good morning, girls. Your mum's making us crêpes  for breakfast."



"We have your favourite toppings," Sarah told them. "Sugar and lemon for Alex, cinnamon for Jenny." The girls sat down at the table, Jen leaning her head back against her chair.

"Ah, this is the life! Crêpes for breakfast."

"Drama queen."

"I'm dramatic and proud." Jenny agreed.

"You sure are." Alex conceded.

"Hey, the Ninja just defeated Chen! Look!" Daniel told them, turning his newspaper to show them.

"Cool," Jen smiled. "It's nice to see the team's back together."

"Didn't one of them die?" Alex asked.

"Zane? Apparently he came back to life."

"Isn't he the Nindroid?" their dad questioned them.

"That's right," Sarah answered, serving up the crêpes that she had made. "Don't forget your MMA class tomorrow, girls."

"As if!" Alex scoffed incredulously, digging into her breakfast. "No one and nothing is gonna stop me becoming a Ninja!"

"Yeah, that'd be cool," Jenny agreed, though she was less enthusiastic about it than her older sister. "Imagine being a Ninja and a pop star, though." Sarah smiled.

"We have no doubt that you'll follow your dreams." Daniel nudged Jenny furtively.

"Remember your old dad when you're a famous singer, eh?" he winked.

"Hmm," Jen mused thoughtfully, teasing him. "I don't think I will." He gasped, placing his hand over his heart in mock hurt.

"You wound me!" Alex rolled her eyes, but both she and Sarah were smiling.

"I think we know where your dramatics come from, Jen."

"What's life without a little bit of drama?" Jenny shrugged.

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