Alex's Birthday

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"Kira, I don't think that's how you make a cake."
"And, of course, you're the experienced baker," Kira replied sarcastically, shoving the bowl over to Ezra. "You do it then, if you're so clever."
Ezra sighed and added some more caster sugar into the mix, while Kira cleaned up the eggs that she had dropped on the floor.
"We'll need to get Jenny in to decorate," he warned her, beginning to stir the mixture. "If we want it to look half decent." Kira scoffed incredulously at his words.
"C'mon, how hard is it to make a cake?"
"Suit yourself."

"Ez, how do you greaseproof the tin again?" The Viper sighed, setting down his paint brush on a piece of old newspaper. He had been painting dragon scales (made out of icing) bronze, rather like Alex's dragon form. Jenny would have been proud of the effort that he'd given it.
"I told you, you grease the tin with butter," he responded long sufferingly, demonstrating the action. "Then, you stick the baking paper down. Got it, now?"
"Yeah, I think I've got it."
"Good." He returned to painting the dragon scales.
There was silence between the two of them for a while, as they continued to work on the cake. Kira poured the mixture into the tin, checked the time, and slid it into the oven.
"How long?"
"Half an hour." Ezra replied simply, carefully keeping his focus on the dragon scales. Kira nodded and hopped up onto the kitchen table.
"What did you get Alex again?"
"A shirt in her colours," he responded evenly. "Black base, purple dragon wings."
"Cool," she commented. "My job doesn't pay much, but I got her this cute little necklace." She held it up to show him the charm: a silver sleeping fox.
"Nice. How long is this one gonna last?"
"Hey!" Kira exclaimed indignantly. "I can keep a job if I want!"

She really couldn't: Kira loved trouble a little too much for her own good.

There was silence.

"Uh, Ez?" Kira asked after a while. "Is it me, or are half the scales a different colour?" Ezra stepped back to examine his work and found that she was right: half of the dragon scales were a few shades lighter than the others.
"Shit," he cursed. "Why is this so difficult?"
"You're overthinking it, that's why," a familiar voice sounded from the doorway, and they turned to see Jenny standing there. "Want me to help?"
"Sure." Ezra backed away to make room for her. Jen rolled out some icing, carefully shaping into quite a few perfect dragon scales.
"It's easy to fix," she informed them cheerfully, taking the paint brush Ezra handed her. "You just add a little bit more of the colour onto the lighter scales and......voila!" She gestured towards the shape she had done, which now looked much better.
"Whoah," Kira breathed. "They look so real!" Jenny smiled shyly, not really expecting the compliment.
"I haven't really done anything, except add more paint," she countered, glancing over at Ezra. "Want me to help you with the others?"
"Yeah, if you want." The two of them continued working together on the dragon scales, correcting the mistakes that Ezra had made.
"You know, most of these aren't bad," Jenny spoke again, washing the paint off her brush once she'd finished her section. "You'd be a decent baker."
"I think I prefer doing recon instead." Ezra re-joined, but he was smiling.
"Hey Kiwi, can you check the cake for me?"
"On it!" Kira hopped off the kitchen table, moving straight to the oven. "It needs about twenty more minutes."
"Plenty of time to make the dragon." Ezra decided. Jen froze.
"You were gonna make a dragon for the cake?"
"Uh....yeah?" Jenny grimaced.
"Yeah, they're a lot harder than you think."
"But you could do it, right?" Ezra asked her. Jen looked doubtful.
"Please?" Kira tried. "Please, Jen?" The Light Ninja opened her mouth to say something, then froze.
"What is it?" Ezra questioned her. Jenny said nothing, and snapped her fingers. Almost instantly, everything birthday related in the kitchen, was turned invisible.

And just in time too, because Alex wandered in at that very moment.
"Hey, what's up?" she asked them, looking suspiciously at the three of them.
Every autumn, Jenny would pick a random day for Alex's birthday without telling her sister which one it was. It was always meant to be a surprise but Alex was pretty certain that the day would be arriving soon: Jenny had been acting a little more secretive than usual.
"We were just talking." Jenny replied lightly, telling her sister a half truth in order to keep their preparation secret. Unfortunately, all three of them could see the stress lines in her face as she struggled to keep everything invisible, despite her efforts to hide the strain. Alex's eyes narrowed.
"About what?"
"Jen was telling us about the raccoons she's been training when she takes out the trash." Ezra responded smoothly. Alex laughed.
"You won't be laughing when the third battalion of raccoons saves your life one day." Huh, he thought in bemusement, Jenny was usually a bad liar.
"So, what did you want?" Kira asked awkwardly. Ezra mentally face palmed.
"Cole wanted me to get his chocolate cake." Ezra shared a glance with Jenny, who took the cake out of the fridge and handed it over to her sister.
"You're gonna eat it before you give it to him, aren't you?"
"No," Alex lied. "Of course not. Anyway, bye."
And, with that, she left the room. Jenny sighed in relief, as everything birthday related reappeared in the kitchen.
"You're a better liar than I thought." Ezra told her. Jenny frowned.
"Uh, the raccoons?" Kira reminded her. "Training them to fight?"
"That wasn't a lie."
"Wait, seriously?"
"Yeah, I have five battalions now," Jen informed them. "The training's coming along nicely." The others exchanged a bewildered look. Jenny took some icing and started shaping it into a dragon, oblivious to their confusion. Ezra frowned.
"Are you sure about helping with the dragon?" he questioned her. "Don't you need to rest after using your powers?"
"Yeah," Jen replied, though her attention was on the dragon. "But that can wait. This can't. Kira, can you check the cake again?"
"Sure," she peered through the oven door to see better. "It's ready!"
"Good, take it out. Use oven gloves."
"I know, I know."

Some time later, the cake was finished and the dragon had been placed on top.
"It looks great," Kira observed, smiling in triumph. "Thanks, Jenny." The Light Ninja returned the grin.
"No problem."
"Can't say the same about the kitchen though," Ezra commented, glancing around at their surroundings. "It looks like a horror show."
He was right: there was flour all over the place, egg shells on the floor, and smudges of bronze paint on the kitchen countertops.
"Well, it is almost Halloween." Kira pointed out helpfully.

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