Start from the beginning

"I'm ally." the girl said extending her hand to moni.

"moni." she said shaking it. "uh you're really pretty and I have a sister about his age maybe we can set up a play date." the girl said with a smile.

"sure." Moni said not wanting to be rude. she was also in a rush to check out and get out of the store.

"here what's your number we can set it up." The girl said handing Moni her phone.

"ok." Moni said typing her number in quickly.

"ok we really have to get going." Moni said handed her phone back. "ok bye." ally said before Moni hurried to self checkout.

she hurriedly scanned all their items before paying for the all of it.

she rushed out the store and to her new car that she had just bought.

that's why she decided to go to the grocery store instead of ordering her groceries online.

she was excited about her new 2021 Honda accord. she knew it wasn't a really flashy car but she was proud of herself for getting it.

she wanted to drive it everywhere, so the store was the perfect place at the time.

hurrying to the car she put Leon in his booster seat before putting the groceries in the trunk.

before going home she made a couple wrong turns and went in multiple circles to make sure nobody was following them.

Layla Jamia Rockford
Detroit Michigan


"i did pick her up she doesn't like me." Myzell said coming in the bathroom with a crying Mariah in his arms.

"get her a bottle. i just pumped it's in the bottle warmer." Layla said as she turned the water off and grabbed her towel and wrapped it around her.

"here, hand her here and go get the bottle." she said reaching her hands out. 

Myzell was helping with Mariah, but he wasn't very good at it. Layla had a lot on her shoulders taking care of Mariah.

he wouldn't hold her for long because she always cried in his arms. he was learning how to properly change diapers. warming bottles were easy tho.

Layla felt like Myzell wasn't trying hard enough to learn how to do that things for Mariah or connected with her.

she knew they were both just nineteen years old but she felt like he needed to mature.

if she could do it he could. she became better for their daughter and she knew he could too.

Myzell brought the bottle back handing it to Layla. "Myzell bro, can you please hold her while I get dressed." Layla said while putting the bottle in her Mariah's mouth.

"you know she always cry with me." he said standing at the doorway.

"well do skin to skin, connect with her. I can't be the only on doing this Myzell." she said handing him Mariah.

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