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Lamoni K'lee Simons
Detroit Michigan

"We out here." Layla said over the phone as Lamoni strapped Leon's sandals on his feet. "i'll be right out." Moni said before they before they both hung up.

She put Leon on her hip before walking out to the car. Opening the door she put Leon in the seat making sure to buckle him it.

"Hi i'm marcus." The little boy said to Leon. "hi." Leon said back. "wanna play dinosaurs." Marcus asked handing Leon one of his dinosaur toys.

Letting the two play Moni closed the back door before getting into the front. "Hey." Moni said speaking to Layla

"Heyy girl you look cute inna bikini, why do you have those shorts on over it?" Layla asked as she drove down the street.

"I was going to take it off when we get by the pool. Moni said with a small laugh. "but you look cute in yours too! waittt look at your baby bump." Moni coo'd at here stomach as she laughed.

Pulling up to Jay's house Moni sighed seeing Eli's car outside along with everybody else's. "you didn't tell me Eli was gonna be here." Moni said.

"Omg I didn't know he was here,I thought it was just Myzell and Jay. I'm sorry I shoulda checked. do you wanna leave?" she asked.

Moni smiled at the fact that Layla was nothing like Zalaya. Zalaya would've just told her to "act like he wasn't there."

"No let's just go in." Moni said hesitantly before getting out the car. "Damn i'm still walkin weird and shit." She said opening tha back door for Leon and Marcus causing Layla to choke on her water.

"I'm sorry that just caught me all the way off guard." She said trying to contain her laugh as she wiped her mouth off; Causing Moni to laugh too.

"Owe my heart beatin fast. can we just walk in and go to the back." Moni asked nervous laughing as she walked behind the kids causing layla to  started laughing.

"Yea lemme just hand Myzell this." She said slightly shaking her hand. Seeing that she was holding a duffel bag Moni just minded her business.

They walked in the house and everybody was just sitting in the living room. "Hey y'all" Moni and Layla said at the same time walking in.

Instantly making eye contact wit Eli and Moni hurried to look away before fiddling with the Leon's hair.

"Wussup sis." Tae said looking at her causing her send a head nod his way. "you turnt up at that party no cap ian even know you was like det." Jay said walkin to dap her up.

Moni just half smiled walkin to the kitchen for a water. "Aye sis the fuck you walkin like dat." Tae yelled as he bussed laughing from the living room along with Jay.

"penguin head ass." Jay said as he kept laughing. Mentally face palming herself she began searching for responses in her head. "Huh" being the only thing coming out of her mouth as she walked back in the living room.

"He said why the fuck you walking like a disabled dog G." Jay said in between his laughs.

Moni just blank faced him be fore speaking up. "I ran into a dresser. That bitch hurt."She said said getting on her phone.

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