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Detroit Michigan

Lamoni sat on the edge of her bed finishing up her weekend homework while Leon was sitting at the top switching from his toys and the phone.

"After I finish my work you wanna color?" She said turning around looking at him with a smile.

He nodded smiling at her then going back to his toys. The bedroom door burst open causing Leon and Moni jump and snap their heads in that direction.

Revealing a drunken Devin Moni sighed getting a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. "Who the fuck you brought to my house yesterday?" He slurred his words as he spoke.

"Just a friend that offered to drop us off." Lamoni said just loud enough for him to here her. "If you was goin to the park why the fuck you couldn't walk." He said stepping closer to her bed.

"Leon was tired so they just drove us." Moni said subtly scooting further away from him. Devin rolled his eyes and without saying a word he sent a strong punch to the right side of her face.

Lamoni jumped up holding her face in shock. "What the fuck you standing up for?" he said snapping in moni's face.

Lamoni broke down while holding her face. "I told you why they were here,why are you hitting me!" She exclaimed as hot tears streamed down her face.

Leon also began cryin as well causing Devin to turn his attention to him.

"The fuck you cryin for." He said walking up to him. Moni notice the attention switch and jumped up jumping on devins back only to be slung to the floor.

Cocking his hand back he sent multiple punches right to her face "you think you can try and hurt me bitch." He said as the hits continued.

At this point Leon was full blown screaming. "No get off me sister." he cried watching his sister being beaten.

Devin sent on last punch to Lamoni before standing up straight "shut the fuck up and be lucky I wasn't hittin yo ass." he slurred before  exiting the room slamming the door behind him.

Trying to Pull herself off the floor she grabbed the bed getting up then went over to lock her door.

Going back to her bed she just pulled Leon into her lap, she kissed his forehead and began trying to wipe his tears.

"i'm finna stop crying." she said softly trying to calm him down. He warped his hands around her and his breathing slowed.

Eventually Lamoni noticed that he went to sleep. She slowly slip him off of her laying him down in the bed pulling a cover over him.

This was a daily thing that Lamoni and Leon went through.

Devin got drunk twenty four seven which caused him to be extra aggressive, when he was sober he was already abusive but When he's drunk he doesn't listen to what anybody had to say, he would just starts hitting.

Getting a call Moni hurried to wipe her tears. Seeing that it was Zalaya she answered keeping her face out the camera.

"Hello?" She said trying to hide the fact that she had been crying in her voice. "Bitch tell me why Ti got exposed." Zalaya said.

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