When we finally made it, we were all so nervous. We all went in the Hall of Prophecy's one after another. I stood behind Harry because if Sirius was being hurt I knew I wanted to be there to help him as quickly as I could. This hall was insanely overwhelming, it was shelf's upon shelf's of thousands of small dusty glass orbs. We went searching for the prophecy with Harry's name on it, it was so quite though... I didn't fully understand everything about the prophecy besides what Harry had told me I just knew it contained information that Voldemort didn't need. We continued to search what seemed like forever and we finally found it. Harry held on too it, but the silence continued I don't think we really knew what to do next. Than suddenly twelve Death Eaters emerged from the shadows, demanding that Harry turn the prophecy over. The main one talking to Harry was Draco's dad which made me sick. Draco was nothing like him, he was telling Harry how he was connected to the Dark lord and wanted to know if he wanted to know why. I knew Harry wasn't going to budge. Than on Harry's signal, we all used Reductor Curses on the death eaters. These knocked over the shelves while the we fled and were pursued. At least one Death Eater, Nott, was injured by the collapsing shelves, since he had been stunned by Hermione. We all ended up getting separated I was with Harry, Hermione, and Neville. We were fighting off death eaters which I'm sure Luna, Ron, and Ginny were doing as well. We all ended up regrouping everyone seemed to have some kind of injury. The death eaters found us as we regrouped and things started to get crazy again. Harry sprinted deep into the Death Chamber, where he descended down to the centre of the chamber, next to its magical archway, where he was ultimately cornered by the rest of the Death Eaters. The death eaters had each of us, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, Ginny, and I. We all had a wand to us. Draco's dad was telling Harry to just hand over the prophecy to spare us. Harry, who did not think he had any other choice, decided to give in to their demands. Even after Neville and I both telling him not too. I knew whatever was on the prophecy was going to risk Harry's life I did not want him to give it up. Just as Harry was about to hand the prophecy over to Draco's dad a door opposite to the Death Eaters suddenly flew open. Suddenly Sirius, Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin, Kingsley Shacklebolt and Alastor Moody arrived and I felt a huge relief come upon me. However a huge fight instantly started happening and everything was going so fast it seemed like a blur. As everything was going on the prophecy ended up getting shattered which was also a huge relief because at least now the death eaters couldn't get their hands on it. At the moment after the prophecy shattered, Dumbledore came in, it took a moment for the death eaters to notice. Once they did notice they started to flea. I'm assuming out of fear of having to battle with Dumbledore I'm sure a battle most of them would not win. Sirius and Bellatrix didn't even notice Dumbledore's arrival as they continued to battle. Than out of no where, Bellatrix fired another spell at Sirius, hitting him directly in the chest and causing his body to fall into the archway's Veil that separates the world of the living from that of the dead. I was frozen, in shock. I just stood there I felt like I couldn't breath. Lupin prevented Harry from jumping into the Veil after Sirius by grabbing him in a tight hug, telling him that his godfather was dead and that nothing could be done. I was glad Lupin was there because in that moment I don't think I could have stopped Harry, or worse I may have just gone with him. I instantly began feeling tears come down my face, but I was quite. I could hear Bellatrix taunting Harry who than ran after her out of anger. I tried to run to stop him but I was held back by Moody. Dumbledore followed after them so I knew Harry would be okay, as long as he didn't let his anger get the best of him although I wouldn't blame him if he did. As bad as I wanted to go after Bellatrix too I just felt like crying. Hermione and Ginny comforted me as I cried. I didn't cry long as we could feel something wasn't right. We all decided we should go see what was going on. We all hurried to find Harry and Dumbledore. When we got to where he was Harry was lying on the floor and there he was in-front of him, Voldemort. I knew Harry had never been lying but seeing him with my own eyes really made me sick. We weren't the only ones who had seen him though, the Ministry of Magic was there as well. Which I was glad because now people would know the truth.

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