Chapter 17: The Music Club of Shuchiin Academy

Start from the beginning

Mio: Oi, Tohma!

Tohma-senpai who is assembling the drum set yells.

Tohma: What!?

Mio: You said that the competition is around two weeks from now on?

Tohma: Yeah! What of it?

Mio: What song are we gonna play?

Tohma: Well, since they said that it can be an original song or from any band.

Tohma: So, what should we pick? Original song or we'll play another song?

Kousei: Um, Tohma-senpai.......

Sora: We don't have enough time to practice an original song.

Mio: *sigh*

Mio: Well, looks like we'll just settle into-

Kotori: Wait, we had an original song that we didn't play in our past contests last year.

Ryota: Back when we are still freshmen?

Kotori: Yep. Actually, Kyoko-senpai and I wrote that song.

Kotori: But as you know it, the Autumn Festival was cancelled last year.

Ryota: Oh.......

Kousei: Yeah, right, that incident.

Sora: It was a total mess.

The Music Autumn Festival. That was supposedly one of our biggest contests but, we encountered a problem.

The organizer and one of the sponsors of the said event got caught into a fight and it became a scandal as it included the organizer cheating on the sponsor's wife.

Because of that, the event was cancelled and the news spread like wildfire.

Well, the situation beyond our control and we couldn't do anything about it.

So, we instead shifted our focus on the winter concert. It actually happened almost a week before Christmas and it was wonderful.

We also won the competition and that's why we celebrated at our café. Our victory party and Christmas party was combined into one during that time.

Then I snapped back to reality as I asked Kotori.

Ryota: So, Kotori, you never told us about this song.

Kotori: Oh, wait, here.

She grabs her bag and is searching something inside of it, until..........

Kotori: Here!

She hands it to Tohma-senpai as he reads it.

Tohma: As much as I like the lyrics........

Tohma: .......but Sora is right. We won't have enough time to play this.

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