TWENTY-FIVE || Haunted Reveals (⚠️)

Start from the beginning

"It's alright." Sai did a wave of the hand. "I understand that completely. My autism often gives me trouble as well sometimes. Also, I think Shisui brought it up to you since this is personal for him and also...well, for me."

Sakari's expression softened but they let Sai continue. 

"Haru's told me about the chosen stuff and I think they informed me of the demons talked about earlier on in the semester." he tapped his fingers on his legs before looking up. "...Was Orien mentioned?" he had to take a moment to remember the name.

Sakari's hues broadened and they did a so-so motion with their hand. "I've heard about him from Kage mostly. It's a long story. Why do you ask?"

"Because it has do with what he did to me and almost did to Shisui and his mom." The blonde helped her out. "I wasn't always in this wheelchair." he realized something and cleared his throat. "Are you okay with me explaining? I don't know if it might help out with all this."

"I don't mind, but it's up to you." Sakari voiced, with a hint of reassurance.

"Alright." he took a moment to recollect his thoughts.




I was walking alongside my little sister, Haru. Our parents wanted me to take her out while I did errands, since they were heading to their jobs. 

The first errand was to get some groceries at the store down in Kiyosumi, which wouldn't take long given the list. Haru was quiet as she walked next to me, kicking the small pebbles on the sidewalk. 

She had been wearing her green jacket that day, something that she had cherished ever since she got it a couple years ago. It was a gift from our mother after Haru had a good week at school. Her dyspraxia made her sense of direction difficult and easily made her stressed, along with other things as well.


I looked down at her, my purple hues on her green. "What is it, Haru?" I felt the tug on my sleeve, something that she did to help with her sense of direction.

"How long are we going to be?" she looked concerned. 

"Not long, sis. We're just going to do errands and head back home, okay?" I made sure that my tone was reassuring. I understood that she did feel nervous being out of the house; she's always been that way. But she does look to me as a source of comfort whenever our parents aren't there to support her due to their jobs.

"Okay. I hope Mom and Dad will be home soon."

For context, Mom worked as an accountant at Kiyosumi headquarters and is Aunt Michiko's sister. Dad was busy with teaching at the academy prior to his retirement later.

As for me, I was looking for colleges to go to. But I was holding it off at the moment so I could help out with my little sister. 

"They will later on, don't worry. Now..." I looked around, spotting the grocery store and gestured for her to follow. "Let's get this list done."

Around twenty minutes later, we came out with bags in hand. Haru seemed to be happier now, but still a little nervous. A flash of light got her attention and she squinted.

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