
"Um.. Hi, Luna." he squeaked.

"Can I come in?" he gave me one of those puppy dog eyes and I sighed, stepping aside for him to enter.

He smiled excitedly and made his way inside, plopping on the couch as he owned it.

"Now what..."

I was cut off by his sudden action, he handed me the white box and another paper bag, which he carried without me noticing.

"What's this?" I raised an eyebrow.

He simply shrugged, and laid himself on my couch.

"Alpha ordered me to give these to you."

"Derek?" I asked, surprised and annoyed that he didn't gave it to me personally, whatever the hell was the gift. I huffed and snatched the box from him.

"What are you doing now?" I glared at him,annoyed and frustrated. He raised his eyebrows and looked confused.

"Don't your alpha needs you now. Go home." I snapped.

He started laughing, only stopped when I threw a pillow at him.

"Alpha also ordered me to bring you back home."

I growled in anger now. Enough was enough,what did he thought that he would just send me some stupid gift and order his beta to bring me back,what was I, a doll?

I glared at him,and dropped the box on ground,with a thud.

"Tell your alpha, I am not going anywhere until he comes himself and ask nicely." I growled.

"Not even with me?" I was startled by third voice in the room. I turned around to see Ma standing in the doorway with large pizza box in her one hand,and coke in another.

"Ma." I exclaimed and pushed pass Olie to hug her,making him trip in response.

"So rude.'' he mumbled.

Ma chuckled and sweeped me in a sweet motherly hug,which was desperately needed by me.

"Jeena! What are you doing here?" Olie asked propped on the couch like a king.

"I am here to visit my daughter, and to take her home with me."


She cut me of by placing the box, I dropped on the ground, on my lap.

"Open it." she ordered.

Olie sat up straight like lightening, propping his chin on his elbows, showing interest in the contents of the box.

It was first filled with foam like material and had an envelope.

I quivered my eyes at ma,and she nodded enthusiastically.

I opened it and read..
My love..
Hope you like my present.
Get dressed by six.
I have something planned for you.
See you soon.
Your mate.

"That's it?" I glared at the small letter, hoping it would burn right now,and I would get my hands on Derek's neck.

"Sweetie, open it." ma forced.

I put the envelope aside and tore open the foam paper which was wrapped around it. I was stunned to see what was inside it.

Stunned... Beyond stunned.. Frozen..

We'll meet again#YourStoryIndiaWhere stories live. Discover now