chapter 21

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"Subirah, I'll have you pack your suitcase, don't leave anything in the hotel cupboard alright?" Maya told Subirah as soon as they got into the hotel room, after enjoying the cool treat.

"Are we going back to America?" Subirah asked, some panic in her voice. "No, but we're moving to another hotel, and to another city" Maya said.

Subirah packed, hoping it would be Mombasa, where she was from, and where her mom lived, she was excited.

"Why aren't we using the taxi?" Subirah asked as they were in the hotel lobby, waiting for Jace to check out.

"We will be using a new transport, called Matatu!" Maya said. "Oh, one of those! We never used to afford them, we always used something called Boda-Boda, like a motorcycle taxi, they were much more affordable.

Nassir just entered the hotel, and chose not to look at Maya, Subirah or Jace, he walked past Maya and Subirah, Maya rolled her eyes and ignored him, Subirah looked down at her laces, pretending not to see him, when her eyes were actually trying to catch as much of him as possible.

Jace was busy checking out, and he did no notice Nassir. Subirah, Maya and Jace walked out to the Matatu, subirah was excited to leave, only a little concerned she will lose ocntact with Nasir, however Maya was now nervous, she kept clicking her knuckles and biting her lips.

"What makes you so nervous!" Jace asked finally as they were being driven in the matatu, with lots of other people.

"Nothing, this bus!" Maya lied, what really concerned her was Nassir, he knew they were checking out and he will do whatever it takes to find them , he plays really well as a seeker.

Maya, Jace and Subirah were sitting on the eats in front of the last row, and on the last row were people who never talked unless gossip.

Maya and Jace obviously didn't understand anything, but it was so obvious the people at the back were talking about them.

They were pointing at them, until it got too rude. "excuse me!" one of the lady's said, putting on a straight face.

Maya turned around. "Oh..ok..sorry!" She said and then laughed along with the other girls at the back row.

Then they tapped Subirah. "Yes?" she turned. "What is your dada's name?" the lady asked. "Jace" Subirah said.

They were now gossiping and mentioning 'Jace' after every two words. "Excuse me!" Jace said boldly, as he turned around.

"Your attitude is really childish, I've got to say, is this how you treat your tourists?" Jace said angrily.

"Yes" the talkative one said, then laughed. It never ended there, They started throwing snack packets at them, chips, biscuit, tissues and all sorts of stuff.

"Musifaniye hivu!" Subirah bursted out annoyed, they stopped shocked for a moment, then went on laughing and imitating Subirah's voice.

The Matatu finally stopped, and the greystones came down gladly. "Last time I'm ever taking a bus!" Jace said as son as they got out.

They entered the hotel, it looked completely different from what Subirah had imagined, it was not in Mombasa, but Nyeri form what she had read as soon as she got in.

"This is the hotel the queen once visited!" Maya said gladly. The hotel looked old and not too inviting from the exterior, the inside was fine but not too impressive, so Subirah was kind of bumped.

"Subirah, this hotel is special, you can see animals from your window!" Maya told her. Subirah smiled, she loved animals, and the thought of her cute kitten Luna entered her mind.

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