Chapter 12

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The EAL class was great! Subirah's favorite class! She had been going for the past week, one lesson a day, it was fun!

Their teacher Ms. Joana was really nice, she made them learn through games, and there was a clear improvement in Subirah's English.

There was a mini library at the corner of the classroom, that Ms. Joana taught Subirah how to read with. Ms. Joana also made them do really fun activities to learn and understand, match the word with the picture was Subirah's favorite.

Georgina was a fourth grader, from Greece, and her English wasn't that great, there were also a few students who Joined them, Danae and philipo and Fernanda. Danae was also from Greece and in fourth grade, she was Georgina's cousin.

Philipo and Fernanda were both from Italy, they're English was way better than Subirah's , they at least knew a few words to ask for water or the way to the bathroom.

Her home tutoring with Mr.__ also went great, it was helping her lots!.

She had made friends with Ruby and she overall was having the time of her life. One morning, as the sun entered through the little opening of Subirah's curtain, Maddison came running into the room. "Subirah, get up you are late for school!" she panted.

"Beeeep Beep Beep Beeep" she could hear from her window, her bus was there and she had just gotten up, barely out of bed.

"The bus is gone, oh dear, the driver will take you, come on hurry up, you wouldn't want to be missing the morning assembly!" she said shaking Subirah out of bed.

"five minutes please" said Subirah lifting up her blanket that Maddsion had pulled off. "Subirah, you are late! hurry up, I'm not even giving you five seconds, just up you get!" said Maddison.

Subirah blinked, and suddenly rushed out of bed, realizing how late she was, she didn't want to miss school, then she jumped excitedly.

"What are you jumping for, into the shower!" said Maddison, looking at Subirah like she was from planter mars!

"Field trip today!" Jumped Subirah excitedly. Maddison just gave her one of her what-are-you-talking-about looks, as Subirah disappeared into the bathroom.

She was out of her room in a record of seven minutes, neatly dressed into her PE outfit, and black Nike shoes with a golden tick.

She appeared into the kitchen by then and Maya was sitting on the table, sipping ginger tea while enjoying her book. "Good morning, looking neat!" she said putting her book down, and adjusting the bookmark.

"A little late today, huh?" she said smiling. Subirah hugged her good morning, and sat beside her. She gulped down her piece of chocolate cake, and headed to Maddison's room.

Knock, Knock

"Who is it?" asked Maddison. "Subirah"

The oak door was opened, and out came Maddison. "Ready for me to do your hair?" she asked, Subirah nodded.

Five minutes later she was out of the salon room, her hair neatly done into one fishtail braid.

The driver dropped her down the school a minute before the clock striked eight. Maya waved to her through the window and she waved back, it was exciting.

She looked at the lunchbox she was holding in her right hand, and then felt the cap on her head, it was going to be a good day!

Ruby was just dropped off by her mom, and both of them started walking towards the football field, the meeting point.

Ms. Natalie was there with her nice straw cap, and a big beach bag, she had black sunglasses on her face, she looked different.

The morning vibe was picknic-ey. Subirah could hear the voices of all the first graders talking excitedly about the trip, and some of them were taking it too far with their imagination.

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