Chapter 10

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Subirah stared all around, every now and then a students would go to the back of the class to get some supplies, and she decided to follow along.

She got a few Crayola markers, pink, blue, and purple. She grabbed a pencil and a ruler and headed back to her table.

Her name wasn't copied down on her paper, until she started seeing other kids copying their names of the whiteboard. Then she started getting creative.

First, she grabbed the big blue Crayola, she outlined her Name that she had copied down, the the 'b' in her name written like a 'd'. But most of the students did the same mistake, with 'M' and 'W' .

"Collin dear, you know you're not supposed to put all those dots on the letter 'i', only one dot my dear, erase the rest, go on" she told Collin as he was passionately stacking dots on the 'i'.

"Okay class, time's up! Everyone pencil's down!" announced Ms. Natalie. Mathew dropped his pencil down to the floor, and so did Darla, then the rest of the class followed.

Ms. Natalie turned away took a deep breath then turned back to look at her class. "I meant stop using your pencil's and keep them down on your table's "she whispered.

"Okay Ms. Natalie, we understand" said Ms. Natalie.

"Okay Ms. Natalie, we understand" repeated the class.

"Fine, now I'll be going around distributing something called blue tack. I want you to split it to four, like so" she said, splitting a piece of blue tack to four up in the air, so the class can see.

"Then, carefully put each piece in a corner of your paper that has your fancy name written on it, then wait for me to tell you what you have to do next" she said going around with balls of blue tak.

Subirah understood what she was supposed to do, as she did see Ms. Natalie doing it. She was among the first students to get the blue tack distributed to, so she got onto doing the work.

"Ms. Nutella" called Sampson.

Ms. Natalie ignored him at first, until he and the rest of the class starterd taking advantage. "Her name is nutallie not Nutella" said Janie. "Quiet everyone!" came Ms. Natalie's voice. The class was quiet.

"What did you want Sam?" she asked.

"I wath athking if I could dwink thome watew becauthe I'm thirsty" he said, with his cute babiesh accent.

"Do you have your waterbottle?" she asked him.

"Yeth" he said.

"Okay, then you can drink water" Ms. Natalie told him.

She then instructed them to go to the back of the class, where there were mini tray cubbies, and told them each to pick one and stick their name on it.

It was a disaster, Ms. Natalie has never wished she could swallow her words so badly. Everyone ran to the cubbies, no one was interested in lines, everyone fought for the same trays, and it was just bad.

"Smarties, come back to your seats, now!" she yelled, but no one listened, her yell couldn't be heard over the loud noise the kids made.

"Why am I a teacher?" she asked herself. Only a few students remained seated when they saw how crowded it was, collin, Janie, and Ruby. Subirah was among them, she didn't make any noise but she was there busy sticking her name on her tray, she came back to her seat shortly, Ms. Natalie's eyes glaring at her.

She looked down, until Ms. Natalie made another announcment. She put her hands on Subirah's desk and bent down a little, she looked at the kids still fighting for the trays.

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