chapter 20

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Maya and Subirah were now busy arguing about which one of the desserts taste's batter, Subirah was enjoying her mkate wa mayaye very much, it reminded her of the days she lived in Kenya, it also reminded her of the mkate wa mayaye she had in Amir's house.

Her eyes often darted around the place and fell on the weird Nassir, he was apparently staring at her, and was looking at her creakingly, he was giving her really strange looks.

"Mom, can I wash my hands, the sinks right there!" Subirah asked. "Fine" Maya said realy intersted in the conversation she was having with Jace now about desserts around the world, and which desserts were better chocolatey desserts or fruity desserts.

Subirah wanted to wash her hand, one because they were dirty, and two because the sink was behind their table, and two there was a parting, so Maya won't be able to see her, because she was going to see what Nassir was up to, ask him more about her mom, she's got a chance that she'd better use!

She got up carefully from her chair, trying to leave a s less suspiciously as she could, and trying to hide the fact that she was nervous from herself.

"hey..." a whisper came as soon as she reached the sink. "Hi" she said, expecting it to be Nassir who whispered.

But, after her hands were given a nice wash, she turned around to find a really weird face, it wouldn't have been as weird if she hadn't expected the person to be Nassir.

It was an English lady, quite skinny, with curly blonde ,almost orange hair. She was enjoying her sea food. She winked at Subirah, Subirah smiled, but her heart was beating, she hadn't expected this at all.

"Hey how do you say thank you in Swahili?" the lady asked. "Asantee" Subirah said. "Oh, is that asanti" the lady asked.

"As-an-te" Subirah said slowly. "Oh, that will do thank you!" the lady said Happily. It was really embarrassing for Subirah, first, she wasn't used to talking to strangers, especially if she was without her parents, and secondly there was this big family of the lady that had all their eyes on her, which doubled the embarrassment.

"Sweet girl!" She heard the lady say as she walked towards Nassir, who was giving her looks all through out her conversation with the lady.

"Salamah, sit here!" Nasir's whisper came. "Subirah sighed and pulled a chair besides him.

Suddenly something occurred to Subirah, it had never occurred to her before, he was calling her Salamah, and she had definitely heard that name being called more than once!

"This is a mystery!" Subirah thought excitedly, she was not serious, it was creepy. "Why do you call me Salamah?" She suddenly asked.

"Because your name is salamah, yes?" Nassir said, in an inquisitive tone. "No, my name is Subirah, that's what y mum called me!" Subirah said almost angrily.

"But not what your father called you!" Nassir said. "Your name is Salamah" Nassir said. Somehow, all the noise around Subirha stopped, it was like she had gone deff, she could only hear Nassir's words eccoying in her head, 'your name is salamah...your name is salamah...your name is salamah...salamah...salamah..'

"How do you know my father?" Subirah asked after what was like a minute silence. "i am your uncle Salamah, think okay, I'm your uncle, khal..sorry, Nassir, your dad is my brother!" Nassir said.

Subirah played with her feet, she stared a the pink laces on the white shoes, was she in a movie or something, she never thought that one day she was going to be kidnapped into an orphanage, then adopted, then find some one who is actually her father's brother! it seemed like a movie or a bad dream to her, but she had to find her way out of it.

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