chapter 8

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********Subirah's point of view**********

"Knock knock"

I Jumped out of bed squinting, and running to get changed until I realized, I was no longer in the sickening orphanage, I was in a mansion.

"Knock Knock!"

"Excuse me miss"

I recognized the voice of Madison, our housemaid. She was really nice to me when I arrived, but the problem is that I can't reply, I can't speak English.

Walking to the door, I looked down and I was wearing actual socks! and I was wearing prober pj's.

"Hi Subirah, madam journey wanted to see if you were awake, but if you would please come downstairs" Said Madison, as I opened the door.

I blinked, then smiled. She guestured me towards the bathroom, and pretended to take a shower, I think I understood what she meant.

She left, I closed the door, and took a few seconds to admire the size of my room, it was half the size of the dormitory I was in. It was well designed I must say, it was closer to phantasy than reality.

The circular bed at the corner, with a seashell headboard. And the light pink wall paper, more than I dreamt of.

I removed my socks, kept them on my fluffy pink carpet neatly, opened my closet, and picked an outfit.

Some light jeans and a white polka dot sweatshirt. I got into the bathroom.

Soon, I was downstairs, sitting on the table eating breakfast, with mom and dad. We had this new food called pancake. It's similar to mkate wa gole , but without oninons and capsicums.

I can't tell which one tastes better, but I enjoyed this pancake for breakfast. I had it with chocolate spread, didn't know such a thing existed.

Mom called me after breakfast, which is another long story. I didn't know how to speak to her, but I definitely nodded after every two sentences.

Then I heard the word school, one of the few words I could understand. My ears pricked up. It's not that it's my first time hearing the English language, it's just that I need time to get the american accent, I'm used to Mr. george, he speaks every word slowly and explains, he was the english teacher at the orphnage, and I still wasn't that good at english.

"No" I said. Wanting to hear more about school. Mom smiled, she got her phone, unlocked it and showed me a picture of a huge building.

"School" she said pointing at it. If that was school, I have to say it's big, no huge! compare it to the orphanage I come from, humble I'd say!

I shook my head. She put a thumbs up, but I wasn't happy, I couldn't even force a smile. We left the house with dad. With our fancy car, the building I had just seen on mom's phone was facing me, I couldn't help but cry.

Mom squeezed my hand, and dad turned to look at me, he was sitting next to the drivers seat. My blue headband now fell out of my head, and I was just sobbing.

Both my parents and the driver looked confused, the driver kept looking at me through the mirror and it was honestly getting annoying.

We passed the parking lot, and into the school gates, he dropped us off at the door, and drove off. I was handed tissues in the reception and I wiped off my tears, and tried to smile.

I was swinging my legs the entire time we had to wait until I was called, individually, I obviously didn't go.

I was not going to fall into the same mistake my mother made when she got tricked and it was the beginning of this whole orphanage deal. Mom tried to make me go, but I wouldn't. I was clinging on the chair like it was dear life.

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