Take me to Church

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Stiles' eyes seemed to be glaring daggers at the duo, the girls not understanding the reason behind his frustration as Malia wrinkled her nose and hid it on Kisa's neck in hopes of turning off his overwhelming anxiety.

It was quite amusing how much different they were in her eyes, the werecoyote felt protective of the human boy, probably because of his lack of super strength, but she would always feel protected by the vampire.

Stiles was overly anxious all of the time, hyperactive, funny, he wanted to help everyone in the general, be a good person and he was an easy one to read in her eyes.

Kisa was calm, calculating, complex... she would tell you to not trust her and yet you would be throwing yourself in front of her if it meant saving her life. She would tell you she was a monster and you would only see her angel eyes, she would tell you not to love her and yet...

You would catch yourself smiling dumbly and thinking fuck... I fell in love with her.

And while Stiles smelt like lavender soap, deodorant and gum with the constant anxiety, occasional fear and excitement, Kisa smelt like blood, rakia, coffee and cocoa, but she felt calm, peaceful even.

But then again, Kisa was an old soul, she reminded Malia of the woods, she was home.

"Okay, what did we do?" Malia questioned, finally done with Stiles' glaring session.

"You look like you're about to rip your head off" Kisa commented without looking at them, her eyes fixed on the window as she watched the scenery passing by.

"Sorry, that's just how my face works" Stiles answered sarcastically, giving the brunette a look once she finally turned her attention towards him.

"You know what? You're not wrong!" Kisa exclaimed with a blinding smile, making the others snort at Stiles' face as he closed his eyes in frustration, before they snapped wide open and he grinned widely at her.

"Did you just... agree with me?" His excitement immediately turned her smirk into a scowl, making the brunette roll her hickory eyes as she looked out of the window once again, while adjusting the werecoyote on her lap.

"Oh I wish I could take-"

"Nope! You said it! No take-backs! This is a no take-backs zone!" Malia deadpanned at his sentence, hearing the long sighs from Lydia and Kira from the backseat, before she regained the focus of the conversation.

"So what's up? Why were you glaring at us?"

"You both! Don't you ever do that again, do you hear me?" His teasing tone had taken a turn, scolding them seriously for running off like they had.

"Do what?" Mal questioned, still uncertain on why he was yelling at them, as her eyes went to the Petrova female, who was looking stoically at the boy.

"Run away!" Stiles sighed, his eyes not meeting theirs, cheeks turning pink as it just noticing what he was so mad about.

So what if they had run away? They had never officially joined the pack and Kisa had been extremely clear with her terms of helping them.

They would do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted and wherever they wanted.

They were lucky the Petrova was in the mood for Tequila when they asked them to tag along for the México trip, but here he was, running his mouth and demanding more than they had proposed.

"Next time I'll let those guys kill everyone besides beasty"

"I wouldn't leave without you and Kit... them I'd leave"

Their answers came out simultaneously and Stiles had to restrict himself from laughing at their words as Lydia glared at the duo while Kira stood watching with her mouth dropped.


"I'm kidding, I'd take Lyds with us as well" Kisa corrected while winking at the strawberry blonde female, who smirked at her.

"Good enough" Lydia nodded and leaned back on her seat.

It didn't take long until they finally arrived the place, leaving a scowling Kisa leaning against the jeep as she looked at the building while smiling sarcastically at Stiles.

"Seriously? A church? What are we doing here? An exorcism? I can't believe you actually had the courage to take me to the church, Stilinski!" At her words, the boy couldn't help but open and close his mouth like a fish as he stared between the woman and the building.

"Why didn't I think of that? A demon! Obviously!"

"What do you mean 'obviously'?"

Since the day they had met, Kisa would find herself being the target of the crazy experiments of Stiles, one of them had been the garlic net, when he wondered if she was a vampire, but it didn't stop there.

The girl had been woken up by holy water, attempted to be imprisoned by mountain ash, invented over for a dinner with silver dishes and many many others, but he had yet to take her to the church.

"Well, it wasn't my main purpose, but since we're here..." the boy started to ramble as he took her hand and pulled her to enter the place, not noticing her murderous gaze as she used her free hand to navigate through her purse.

Finding her murder weapon, the brunette smirked and pointed the object at him, watching his body freeze as she spoke slowly.

"Stiles... if you even try to take one step towards that bloody church I'm going to hurt you"


Rolling her eyes at his question, her smirk darkened, but only for a second.

"It's a dagger, not a knife"

"Uhh... guys?" Malia's voice brought them out of their argument, their heads snapping towards her in alert before they noticed she wasn't looking at them, but in another direction.

"Is that Derek?"

"Uh, sort of?"

"Uh, sort of?"

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