Lover of Mine

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Kol Mikaelson was a dangerous little thing.

Not because he was an original vampire, although that did make matters quite... difficult for those who happened to be against him, and neither was it due to his vast knowledge and connection with the witches and magic.

No... the thing that made him dangerous was his manipulative and deceitful personality, which also gained him the title of the Fox. The trickster of the Mikaelson family.

At first, it was what had attracted Kisa, the danger and secrecy simply followed him like a magnet and she was always prone to those things, in truth, she always knew what she was getting into, but it didn't hurt any less in the end.

As they met each other, Kol didn't like her, not at first glance, not when she was simply a doppelgänger, a lookalike, a copy. His siblings falling for the copy were enough a lesson for him, so he treated her miserably, to be truthful.

Kisa wasn't one to take his words and keep her head down, however, always throwing insults right back at him with her voice as even as always, not even looking at him in the eyes, as if he was not worthy of her entire attention.

It made him mad, of course, but it also made him curious about her.

As the twin sisters got to live with the Mikaelson siblings for a while, Kisa was obligated to interact with her host, and the usual clashing started to turn into a playful flirting, which soon bloomed into an interesting relationship, to say the least.

And while Kol had changed his way of treating her as did she with him, his essence was still the same, which wasn't quite a problem... she loved him, she really did, with all of his imperfections, which were many, not that he would ever admit that out loud, the problem per say was that while she was his, completely, in soul, mind and body, he wasn't hers.

And that was a problem.

Kisa was a possessive person by nature, she knew that, her twin, Katerina, also knew that, which was why Katerina lived so long to tell her tale, because even when they had their disagreements, she was her twin and no one would hurt her besides Kisa.

Which she did.

But that's beside the point, what we are trying to get is Kisa was a possessive being, and in that she didn't quite like the relationship Kol had with the witches, not because they were women solemnly, she was confident enough in herself to not be mad about every single woman alive, or men, if Kol ever decided to try.

It was the way that he kept the ones he had had a relationship before her that seemed to make her angry. His 'inner circle' was actually his past lovers, which were still pretty much madly in love with him, and that didn't sit well in her mind.

It also didn't help that thorough their relationship those same little things always managed to make her life considerably harder and while she wasn't opposed to killing, Kisa knew Kol enough to know that he already felt alone due to his family, so she didn't want to take them away from him as well.

They would fight over it and he would get mad, yelling at her about how she wanted to control him. How she wanted to let him alone, like his family did.

She knew it was messed up, but she loved him and he loved her, so she stayed.

They would fight over her past lovers, since he didn't like the thought of her with another person, and whenever he would remember about their conversation (a conversation which he had started) he would simply ignore her, sometimes for days, later on she would find out it was his way of punishing her.

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